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Everything posted by SBeth

  1. As always Terri, my prayers and thoughts are with you. I'm so glad you are able to manage pain without the aid of the big guns; I know that has to be a good feeling. Hang in there and keep us posted and we'll keep the prayers and well wishes headed your way. Love,
  2. Peggy, I'm so relieved to see that he is doing better and getting some relief. I hope this gives you an opportunity to regroup and get some rest yourself. Keep us posted and I'll keep my eyes open for a good deal on a bigger fridge for you! Love,
  3. Kristi, Welcome to the LCSC Family. I am very sorry that you and your family are going thru this and if there is anything we can do, please ask. We look forward to getting to know you better and offering support, advice and prayers for you all.
  4. SBeth

    Scan results

    Jen, Very very happy for your results. One day at a time and next scans will be even better!
  5. Peggy, In my prayers as always. I'm glad that he's going to go ahead and admit him for these tests...I agree that it will be easier and probably quicker. Keep us posted... Love,
  6. SBeth

    No Avastin

    Karen, I'm so sorry that you have to deal with this crap with everything else that is going on. My prayers for the new treatment to work for you. Love
  7. Congratultions Connie on your 10 year anniversary and thank you for staying with us all as we battle towards the same goal! Love and prayers,
  8. Hi Kelly and welcome to LCSC. I'm sorry to read about your Mom's diagnosis and history of health concerns. I'm sure that we can all help you and I know that there are many ready to lend an ear and offer support. Please let us know how we can help.
  9. Susan, This is awful news to read; but please don't give up on Rachael...and neither will we. She is very important to all of us here and we will all be praying for her and thinking of her. Most importantly...we will be here for her and all of her family if they need us. Love and prayers,
  10. Uh oh...I'm nervous...I get Becky and I'm hoping I'm not typing to slow to loose her! Becky...you are truly one that Shoots from the Hip and boy do we love you for that and need that around here! Thanks to you Becky, I've pulled myself out of the ol pity party in record time and got myself focused on what really counts. Thank you Becky! Love and prayers,
  11. Peggy, How awful for all of you. I'm so sorry, but I'm so glad that Mike was there with you and able to help. Please take care of yourself and take Ginny's advice to find some time for yourself. Love and prayers,
  12. Welcome to the site. There are many of us here. Please let us help you as you begin your battle and before you know it, you'll be helping others the same way. We're all family and we're all in this together.
  13. I think I hate Tarceva. Bill started taking 150 mg of Tarceva daily on July 2nd. At that time he seemed to be doing okay, albeit he was still loosing weight and seemed to be in a somewhat weaker state. He still wanted to get up every day, get a shower and run out on short errands. For the past two weeks, he has changed. His appetite (and his weight) continue to diminish, he's never very motivated to do much and he says he just feels very sluggish. I know that much of this could be signs or symptoms of depression and we'll address those concerns with his oncologist on Tuesday. This "so-called" rash from the Tarceva is awful and everyone is 100% correct when they say there is no good way to decribe it...there isn't and as a result of it he's become very self-conscious of his appearance and opts to stay home and secluded despite all of our friends and family who want to visit and spend time with him. Okay...so that this post isn't all about my griping and whining about Tarceva...I really do have a question. I understand that a sudden increase in shortness of breath is a red flag and reason to contact the doctor; but has anyone experience severe...and I mean really severe hot/cold flashes with Tarceva. One minute we are driving with the air conditioning on in the car and he is sweating so bad his clothes become wet and two minutes later he wants the windows up, air off and actually tried to turn on the heat in the car...and it was over 90 degrees outside. Should we be concerned about this side effect and rush to spend a Friday night or the whole weekend in an urgent care or E.R. for a professional opinion; or do you think it can wait until our appointment on Tuesday? I just feel like many times we know more about the drugs and side effects than the physicians and nurses in E.R.s and don't want to spend our precious time there if we don't have to and quite frankly, I don't think I am prepared to hear that all of this could just be from the progression of the cancer. Aside from the fatigue, malise, rash and flashes...he's okay and wants to wait. What do you all think? And by the way, the hot/cold flashes are not constant, but happen 3-4 times a day when he is exerting himself. Thanks for any help or advice.
  14. SBeth

    Good Results are in

    Carlene, That is great news, well worth the wait. I like Ginny's idea...dinner and lots of staring across the table. Thanks for letting us share in the happiness.
  15. SBeth


    Val, I'm so very sorry for your loss. I am sure that those "guardian angel" wings on your Mom will be wrapped around you and Carolyn in the years to come. My condolences to you and your whole family. Love,
  16. Thank you so much for sharing this news and letting all of us celebrate along side you! Enjoy the sunshine that is in your life. Love,
  17. Val, I'm so sorry for you and that you are going thru this, especially during this special time in your life when you are a new mother and have this wonderful new miracle in your life and have little time to enjoy the beauty of new motherhood. You are indeed a tribute to your own mother and I am sure she is very proud of you. I have no advice to offer for your situation, it sounds like your calm and sensible demeanor is in full control, but my thoughts and prayers are with you for a better tomorrow. Love,
  18. SBeth

    My Dad is Gone

    Billie, I'm very sorry for you and your family's loss. My prayers will be with you.
  19. SBeth

    Now I'm Ready

    That is wonderful Kasey! It's great to start the weekend off with such great news and renewed hope! Cheers!
  20. SBeth

    Thank you Rich!

    Rich, I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate all the effort you put into keeping us all informed and current on the latest news on lung cancer and research. I seldom respond to your posts, but I read them all and wanted to thank you for all your time and help.
  21. SBeth

    missing Mike

    I'm so very sorry for your pain Nancy. I hope and pray that time does indeed help the healing process begin...I hope and pray! Love and prayers,
  22. I can't help you with any important or helpful information about retreating the same "spots" on the brain, but please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you Peggy!
  23. Ry, He was such a cute baby, and probably a very good looking senior. I spent so many years waiting and waiting for them to grow up...now I wish they were babies again. Hindsight is surely 20/20! Thanks for sharing the family memory and your very special day with all of us.
  24. SBeth

    Too much pain

    TAnn, I know what you mean about not wanting to "start" with the oxycontin...Bill didn't want to do that either, but he did / and does feel much better taking the oxycontin. He rarely needs the oxycodone for breakthru pain and he has tolerated it very well, just remember to avoid alcohol...woohoo...I could tell you a story there! Anyway, if it makes you feel any better, he began weaning himself off of the oxycontin a week ago (in anticipation of taking a ride on our motorcycle on Saturday) and he hasn't had much pain at all, very tolerable with the oxycodone. He has had his steroids increased again to promote a better appetite and hopefully some weight gain...so that could be HIS reason for handling the oxycontin-weaning so well. Whatever you decide, I hope you are able to be without pain and still function well. Our love and prayers are with you.
  25. SBeth

    Too much pain

    TAnn, Hoping and praying that you are able to find some relief to your pain very soon. I agree with the many others in that you should call your drs. and get them involved as soon as possible. Love and prayers,
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