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Everything posted by SBeth

  1. Good Morning Pat, Just a warm welcome and letting you know that you will gain a great deal of knowledge, support and love from the many many caring people here!
  2. At the risk of starting a debate, I believe that genetics plays a very big part in the development of lung cancer. There is a family study being done here at U of Cincinnati. My husband was adopted and did not meet his paternal family until 4 months prior to his diagnosis. His biological father and 3 uncles were all deceased before the age of 53. Three had lung cancer and one passed away while being treated for throat cancer. There may be many factors for who is at risk, but I do believe that genetics has a role as well.
  3. Whoa...FRANK, Don't buy any Bud Light, I've got a huge cooler full of it left over from the pool party (helluva great time) I'll be bring it to share. That's what happens when you make 6 dozen Jello shots...nobody drinks the beer! Anyone know how to get red, blue and purple stains off of concrete? Here's to Betty! Salute!
  4. Good for you Frank, you're the boss! Will be thinking about you and praying that things improve and shrinkage is in the future!
  5. Welcome. Yes, the road ahead is going to be rough. Some days will be much better than others. We will be here for you. Please let us know if you need anything and keep us posted on treatment plans. Love and prayers,
  6. SBeth

    Mom's scan

    Great news Lori, thanks for sharing it. I needed to hear/read something wonderful!
  7. Where have I been? Sorry that I'm late too, but heck, go ahead and celebrate for another day! Happy Birthday Katie!
  8. Hi David, I'm glad to see your post and really happy to read that the house is getting ready for a showing...I've got a good feeling about this new realtor. Sounds great that you've got all that extra help. That hybrid is GREAT. Bill had his scans in one back in February...I think he was the second person in the machine...brand spanking new. I hope you get some great results. As for the weekend; I've got a great idea. Head southwest towards Cincy and come on down for a pool party. The "official" party won't start until Sunday, but there's no reason we can't start a day early on Saturday. All are welcome! Have a great Memorial Day weekend! Love,
  9. Brian & Pat, We'll be praying for you and keeping you in our thoughts. May you both have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.
  10. SBeth

    Mom has Died

    Kel, I'm very very sorry for your loss. I'm sure your Mother is so proud of you and will be with you in spirit to help you thru the days ahead...as will all of us. Love,
  11. Hi Kim, I'm sorry you're joining us, but Welcome! I think I read in one of your posts that you are near Cincinnati...I'm just outside the city to the east in Batavia. There are many many wonderful doctors at U.C., please don't allow the discouraging attitude of one deter you from your goal. I understand much of what you are going thru, as do many here. I wish I could give you some advice about the metallic taste; my husband lost alot of weight because of that. It wasn't that he wasn't hungry, he just couldn't stand the taste. It seems like foods with alot of spice taste good and he says cheese still tastes the same. One thing we did and it worked for a while is to eat a piece of pineapple just before a meal...not sure why, but it masked the metal taste long enough to eat a little. I'm going to send you my telephone number in a PM, please don't hesitate to call me if there is ANYTHING at all I can do for you, even if it is just to sit and listen. We are all in this together. Love,
  12. Rich, That is great news. Very happy for you! I'm sure that Betty is doing a happy dance for you as I type this!
  13. My prayers and thoughts are with your family.
  14. Kim, Welcome. I'm very sorry that your families are going thru this, it's a terrible disease, but from it can come many wonderful things. Your dedication to your friends is admirable; your thoughtfulness reminds me of Nell, another "LCSC family-member". She can probably give you a great deal of advice on how to cope and help; but just being there will be the best thing you can do. Just be there! In time, things will settle down and many will quit calling, quit asking, seem to quit caring...be a steady force for your friends to depend upon. I envy your friends to have you in their corner. Please come back often, help us and let us help you!
  15. Peggy, Your strength is what inspires me and you continue to do so. I'm here for you...you know how to reach me. Love,
  16. When you go off by yourself to cry, please know that you can come here for some comfort. I hope we can all help each other get thru this until the day comes when NO ONE has to go thru this. My prayers are with you.
  17. SBeth


    I'm sorry Kel. I hope you can feel some comfort from the many prayers being sent out for you.
  18. Marge, I'm so glad you've got the treatments behind you. Rest up, I remember my husband couldn't get enough sleep for about 10 days and then his energy began to slowly return. Great days ahead for you I'm sure!
  19. Frank, I'm so sorry to read your news, but I am so inspired to hear your attitude. So many are, and will continue to be, praying for you. God bless and tell Connie that we are all here for her too! Love,
  20. SBeth


    Elonda, I'm glad we are able to be here for you. The days ahead will be very bittersweet, some wonderful and some very painful. Please let us help you. We are all here to answer questions, offer support, say some prayers and just listen. Let us know what you need.
  21. Dear Nancy, That was a wonderful post to read. I'm so happy for your family. It sounds like it was a magical evening.
  22. My perspective on whether or not to tell your younger children comes from two different experiences in my life. When I was 15, my grandmother, who I was very close to, was diagnosed with cancer. My parents did not tell me until it was very near the end and communication with her was not coherent or meaningful. I often wish I had known for many reasons...I would have spent more time and talked to her more. That said...when my husband was diagnosed last year; my 13 year old knew right away as he was always just around the corner when we were discussing treatment, relaying information to family, etc. He asked us straight out and we told him. On the other hand, we didn't discuss this with our 10 year old because he seemed to be pretty oblivious to it all and at the time we had the attitude (and still try to) that we were going to beat it, so why try to explain it to him. Unbeknownst to us; he had figured it out for himself and was full of questions that he hadn't been given an opportunity to ask. When I read a letter to Santa that he had written (Yes, I know he's a bit old for that...but I still make them write them)...and I approached him about his "wish list", he had many questions and was dealing internally with a much more devasting prognisis than even we, the adults, were dealing with. Everyone has to do what is right for them and what they feel is best in their hearts, but for me, hindsight is 20/20 and if I had the chance to do it all over again; I would have confided in my youngest very early on. Peace to you in finding the right answers. Love and prayers,
  23. Lori, I'm going to go out a limb here and I know and fully expect to get "raked over coals" for this. Do you really want to risk loss of any more relationships with your family? Is there anything so valuable in a monetary sense that outweighs your emotional ties and would make the risk of losing your brother worth while? If your father wanted everything divided evenly and you both agree to that...does it really matter "how" it gets divided...selling, renting or buying out? When the smoke clears and your "half" is gone; your brother will still be there and I personally think that those wounds you have can be healed. Just my opinion and I'll be the first to admit that I have NEVER had to manage this kind of task, but I'd hate to see you look back with regrets. Spend your energy healing from the loss of your father and try to find some peace with yourself. I'm ducking and taking cover now....
  24. Bill, I'm so sorry to hear this news. I hope things begin to turn around and she is feeling better soon. Hopefully these tests will help get a new treatment plan together. My prayers and thoughts will be with you.
  25. Perspective is everything! I call it good news too! Keep us posted on the rest of it.
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