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Everything posted by SBeth

  1. Peggy, Your post sounds positive; plan in place, expecting the best and pacing yourself until that spring ride! Oh how I envy you, Bill's scared to get back on his bike. I'm glad that you have things in check and seem to feel good about it! Your attitude just keeps going and going and going....amazing! As always, you and Don are in my prayers. Love,
  2. SBeth

    FRANK Update

    Frank & Connie, We're all pulling for you and praying for you! Get back here soon, we're not a whole family without you!
  3. SBeth

    Five for 3/8

    coffee - fully leaded coffee my new windshield wipers clumping cat litter handle ties on the trash bags my husband's beard on my neck
  4. Peggy, I, like everyone else, wish your news had been all good. Your attitude and optimism never cease to amaze me. Don is very very lucky to have you in his corner; we are all lucky that we have you in our corners too! Please stay focused on the prize and I'll continue to keep you in my prayers. Keep us posted on attack plan too!
  5. WOW Curtis....there is nothing like starting your day off with pictures of such a beautiful happy smiling child. Thanks for sharing. She is precious.
  6. Aw Frank....I agree with JC...third time will be the charm. I hope all goes well tomorrow morning with the "rental" equipment and that you enjoyed your dinner with your wife! Hope to see some good news from you soon! In the mean time, I'll rummage around some joke sites and try to fill your big shoes on the Just for Laughs forum. Take care.
  7. Hi Dean Carl, I'd just like to add to what everyone else has posted and tell you how happy I too was to see you give us an update...and what a great update! Take care of yourself and know that you are thought of often and fondly!
  8. Hi Bev, Welcome to the group and we love your powerfully optimistic attitude. We are all glad that you have finally joined in and look forward to drawing on your strength and being able to return the favor when needed. Again...welcome.
  9. Welcome Pat & Brian, It sounds like the two of you have been through a rough couple of years, but have weathered the storms well. I agree with Peggy (Stand4Hope) that the first few weeks are the toughest and seem the darkest. Now that chemo has begun and the plan of attack is in place, I hope you will be able to take a deep breath and prepare for the fight. We are all in this together and will be here for you, no matter what you may need. There is no GREATER group of people to support you than you will find right here. Take care and please let us know how things are going.
  10. Come on Frank...don't make me sorry that I came home from my vacation. I only want to hear GOOD news, so get that new piece of equipment hooked up and get that new scope and get this taken care of as soon as possible. Since laughter is the best medicine, I expect that you will be fit and fighting ASAP! Please know that (all joking aside) I'm saying prayers for you and your family and will be thinking good thoughts for all of you!
  11. There is nothing like a trip thru South Miami Beach on your way to Key West to get you motivated to go on "that" diet....as soon as vacation is over. Well it is over and I guess I am going to finally do it! Count me in. Motivation is key here, no pun intended.
  12. SBeth

    Bob Vanden Berg

    Nell, I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your dear friend. I hope you are comforted in knowing that there are few people willing to go the distance with their friends as you have gone. I'm sure your love and support were much appreciated by Bob's family.
  13. There is nothing like a trip thru South Miami Beach on your way to Key West to get you motivated to go on "that" diet....as soon as vacation is over. Well it is over and I guess I am going to finally do it! Count me in. Motivation is key here, no pun intended.
  14. You both have my prayers too Don! I hope she makes a quick recovery and gets home soon.
  15. Hi Linda, I have absolutely no idea if the reaction to whole brain radiation is different when the lung cancer being treated is small cell vs. non-small cell; but my husband endured wbr in October 04 for NSCLC with mets to the brain and he felt really good during the treatments; however, almost as if his body knew it was okay, the day after his final treatment he went to bed and pretty much stayed there for almost two weeks....literally. He had about a zero appetite having to force down vitamin shakes and an occassional (very)low grade fever in addition to his fatigue. Not trying to scare you, everyone reacts differently; but when it did finally hit him, it scared the hell out of me. After about 2 weeks, he slowly began getting his strength and appetite back and feels wonderful now. I hope your sister endures the treatment well and gets good results. Let us know.
  16. SBeth


    Don & Lucie, GREAT picture of the two of you!
  17. Dear Paddy, My sincerest thoughts and prayers are with you. I have noticed fewer posts from you and wondered how you were doing. I now wish I had sent you a PM to say hello and let you know you were in my thoughts. Please take care and thank you for the advice on the book, I'm sure many will find comfort in it. Love to you,
  18. Nell, Bob and his family are so fortunate to be surrounded by so much love and your incredibly loyal friendship. I would be very proud to have you as my friend and I know he must be. Please take care of yourself and let us know if you need anything. I will be praying for you.
  19. I think that we should throw a Welcome Home party for Katie and Rick tomorrow! I'm pretty sure that February 19th is when they're going to be back. I'll bring a few bottles of some good stuff and some Key Lime Pie, oh wait....I can't bring the Key Lime Pie until I get back from my trip to the Keys next week. Okay...so I'll just be bringing the bottles! Everyone up for it?
  20. Margaret, I'm so sorry. I can feel your pain and your grief in these posts just as I could feel your love and comfort in your posts before Jim passed away. As always, I find hope and strength in your words. You are an inspiration to all of us, especially those of us who are the caregivers! Thank you and God bless you.
  21. SBeth

    Six months today

    Dear Ginny, I'm sorry that you have been without Earl for the last six months. I cannot, nor do I want to, imagine what that feels like. You and your strength are amazing. You are such a loving and giving person that I can only imagine what an incredible man Your Earl must have been to have been loved by you! God bless you and help you find happiness again.
  22. I'm so sorry for you and your family. Please know that I will be thinking of all of you and praying.
  23. Hey Fay, Why not? We all laugh and celebrate together when the news is good and we feel good. I'm here for you and will be bringing some tunes to the pity party. How about an old song that my great aunts and uncles used to sing at the old family reunions...when the ice in all the coolers had melted and the bottles were all empty...I believe it was called "Old Shep" . Anyway....they would all sing it and all cry, so I guess it would be good for the pity party. I'm there...but I'll have to cut out on Tuesday for my trip to the Keys.
  24. SBeth

    Everything is OK

    Great news. I'm glad you didn't have to wait thru the weekend to get it, but I'm sure that the wait was forever. Thanks for sharing the happy news.
  25. Beth, Hang in there and NEVER quit whining to us! That is exactly what we are all here for, that is what support is all about. I can't imagine what anyone was thinking when sending you that message, but I wouldn't waste another moment trying to understand, we've got better things to do! Love to you and your WONDERFUL family!
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