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Everything posted by SBeth

  1. Unbelievable! You are such a giving person. You are there for EVERY single person on this board. We love you Peggy. Happy 2000th.
  2. SBeth

    It's back

    Beth, I'm sending you my phone number in a pm. I'm here for you if you need someone to talk or just want someone to cry to or rant at. I hate that you are alone and need someone...I hate cancer. Please call me if you need me... Love,
  3. Tina, I go thru those "funks" too and looking back it does seem to follow the same pattern as yourself. I don't have any advice, but wanted you to know that you aren't alone in these slumps. Yeah, I guess the whole eat right and get exercise theory is good advice...but a dark room, warm bed, fully charged tv remote and box of candy works good in a pinch. Love and prayers,
  4. Cindi, Actually, we're going to be more adventurous this time and we are heading down to the Florida Keys. Just made the reservations for end of the month. We used to be so conservative and always saving for that "rainy day"; but after the storm we have weathered this past year we figure...live, live and live some more. So....we'll be joining all of ya at the bar....but come the end of the month...it will be a cabana bar on the beach and in the sun!
  5. I've held off posting this for fear that I am dreaming; at the risk of waking up.... Bill had tests, tests and more tests last week. PET was clean (no lymph node involvement as suspected) and MRI shows that the two remaining mets on the brain remain the same in size and show no growth. We're going to sit back, relax, enjoy life and wait for the round of tests again in 8 weeks. For now....Life is good. Peace and love to all my friends here.
  6. My sincere condolences on the loss of your father.
  7. A beautiful obituary Margaret. Please know that many are thinking of you in this painful time and please take care of yourself. Love,
  8. SBeth

    Jim is gone

    Dear Margaret, You are and will continue to be in my thoughts and my prayers. Yes, I know that Jim was a wonderful man, he had to be to be so deserving of such a loving and strong wife and partner. You took such good care of Jim, please let others help you to take care of yourself. I wish you peace in the days ahead. With much love,
  9. Beautiful smile, a beautiful couple you make! Thank you for sharing.
  10. SBeth

    new guy guidance..

    Hi Rob, Welcome to this site. Give your Dad as many hugs as you can, tell him how much you love him as often as you can and just be there to listen and support him in this battle. Come back often with updates, to ask questions or just to let us know how you are doing, we're all here for you, your Dad and your family. Love and prayers,
  11. Kim, There is ALOT to be said for having a good cry. I'm glad that you were able to share one with your son and I'm glad that is seemed to help. I agree with Peggy, you are doing a great job Mom! Love and prayers,
  12. Ann, Your story really hit home with me. We have two cats, one all white stray that we took in and one is a blue-point siamese. Well, needless to say, the siamese didn't like having to share his home with "some stray" off the streets and for the past three years has decided that he likes NOBODY in our household...until about four weeks ago. Out of the blue he jumped up on the couch with Bill...snuggled up actually pushing the other cat off his lap and has yet to leave his side...even sleeping in our bed with Bill. We cannot figure this one out at all, but Bill did mention the other day that he wondered if Caesar (the siamese) knows something that we don't yet know. I do think that animals have some sixth sense or connection to our emotional state. Now...if only I can get our African Grey parrot to clean up his vocabulary and show some family support....but that's a whole other story.
  13. SBeth

    The Pot

    Ginny, What a great parable. Thanks for sharing that this morning.
  14. Dear Jane, Thank you for sharing your story and giving us all so much hope. It is a grand gift you have brought to this board.
  15. Yeah Nina!!!! I think that the entire board will agree with me that it's DEFINITELY time to re-open the pub. Oh??? It was never closed? Well in that case...a round for the house on me to celebrate your GREAT news. We all were so concerned, thank you for giving us this update. Hugs, love and prayers to you Nina.
  16. I'm thrilled to hear that your scans were good and there's nothing in your head! Relax and enjoy this time.
  17. TAnn, I can understand your disappointment to not have shrinkage but I am very happy for stable. I hope and pray that the Tarceva continues to keep things stable and that you are getting your appetite back soon. Love and prayers,
  18. Dear Margaret, I cannot post a reply to you to tell you how I feel because I have never felt this way before and don't know how to explain it...but I am sure the many other caregivers on this board will understand...I am so amazed by you and your strength. Please take care of yourself and know that so many are keeping you and Jim in our prayers. Love,
  19. Lisa, I'm so sorry that you are going thru so much with limited support. I hope that Hospice is able to provide your Gram with what she needs and able to assist you as well. Please take care of yourself and know that we will all be saying prayers for you.
  20. Just wanted to tell you Nina that I will be keeping you in my prayers and thoughts today as you head off to your appointment. Please come back and give us some good news. Love,
  21. Betty, I'm glad to hear you have someone around to help out. I hope you are feeling better soon. I will keep you in my prayers. Love,
  22. Hi Traci, I'm sorry to read about your mother's diagnosis. I cannot imagine how hard it must be to have those questions and not be comfortable asking. I wish you and your sister all the best as you work to help your mother continue to be a survivor. Please come back often and keep us posted on your mother's progress and ask ask ask away. This board is full of the most knowledgable, helpful and loving folks around! Love and prayers,
  23. SBeth


    What an absolutely bittersweet time in your life. I hope you find peace in knowing that your father spent his last moments doing something he probably dreamed about since the day you were born. I am sure that he was most proud to have been able to escort you down the aisle to your new husband. My sincere condolences to you and your family during this painful time. Love and prayers,
  24. SBeth

    My Dad

    Certain times of the year and things happening around us will bring our lost loved ones and thoughts of them back full-force. I hope this time of celebrating the EAGLES WIN ...will bring you comfort in knowing how happy your father is to have the best seats in the house! Love to you!
  25. SBeth

    Prayer Request

    Peggy, You never need to ask for prayers from me, I remember you and your family in them everytime I pray! Love to you!
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