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Everything posted by SBeth

  1. Hang in there BC, we are all praying for you and hoping that you begin feeling better very soon!
  2. I'm guessing that this is a little premature, as Bill has only been on Tarceva 150 mg. since this past Saturday (7/2/05); but can anyone give me their experience with increased fatigue while taking Tarceva? He went to bed Sunday early in the evening and has barely been awake since. I'm actually not complaining as he has been unable to sleep more than 45 minutes to an hour at a time, until Sunday, but I'm wondering if this is already a side effect of the Tarceva? Aside from fatigue, he feels okay and doesn't feel like it is anything to be concerned about, but I was curious if anyone else experienced this quick onset of being so tired? Thanks,
  3. Terri, I've been reading alot lately, but not really feeling much up to posting, until I read your post. I hope you get continued good results with the upcoming Alimta and am also humbled by your obvious strength and determination. Bill's recurrent tumor on his lung, in addition to his new "unidentified but anticipated tumor" on his left lung have led his oncologist to start him on Tarceva. We are slated to start this evening, although he has mentioned he'd like to hold off until after the holiday weekend, just incase the side effects are harsh. Anyway...when we met with the oncologist Tuesday, he gave us the option of Tarceva or Alimta, but then pulled back and stated that Tarceva would be better because he felt Bill was too weak to handle Alimta. I'm comforted to know that if we don't get good results with the Tarceva, we can still push for the Alimta. I felt like they were telling us it was one or the other, but obviously that is not the case. Thanks for sharing this information and as always, I wish you all the best with your new treatment plan. Love,
  4. SBeth


    Peggy, I'm so sorry that things are heading in this direction for you. I'll be praying for you. There just aren't any words that come to mind right now... Love,
  5. SBeth


    I'm so sorry Nancy. I'm so very sorry for your pain. Love and prayers,
  6. Thank you Karen. In these darkest days you look to the future and an opportunity to reach out and help others; I am learning so much from you. From your strength and courage I can feel that there is hope. From your compassion, I can see and feel your faith in God. May He continue to be with you thru the days ahead. All my prayers and my deepest sympathies are with the whole Chapman family.
  7. Dear Karen, I'm so very sorry for your loss and for Faith's loss of her father. You both have been, and will continue to be, in my prayers.
  8. Bill, That is wonderful news...it's so good the hear the good news lately. We all need it, thanks for sharing.
  9. SBeth

    Nothing to Tell!

    That is wonderful great news Don and Lucie. So very very happy for you both!
  10. SBeth


    All my prayers and thoughts to you and your family Dean.
  11. Beth, I'm so very sorry that you got this news. I will be thinking of you and hoping you find some answers. Love,
  12. Though you may not feel it is something to celebrate, it's definitely something to congratulate you for...it's been a tough three years. May the next three be easy sailing!
  13. Bill's been off of chemo for about 7 weeks now; and recently began enjoying the taste of food again. But lately he has noticed a film covering his gums. He says the best way he can describe it is to say that it feels like some type of webbing on his gums. He can frequently run a finger across his gums and produce a gritty saliva on his finger. Does anyone have any idea what is causing this, or anyone else experience anything similar? Thanks,
  14. Kim, This is WONDERFUL news, thank you so much for sharing with us. These are the posts that give so much hope to so many of us!
  15. Nancy, My prayers will be with you.
  16. What a gift! Never did I imagine I would be happy to hear that a "family" member had two cancers...it's all perspective!
  17. Many prayers and good thoughts headed to you Beth!
  18. SBeth

    update on Mike

    I'm so sorry for your pain Nancy. I hope and pray that Mike remains comfortable and you find the strength to get yourself thru this terrible time. So many are here for you, please let us know what we can do for you beyond prayers. Love,
  19. Hi Jim, I would just like to tell you how much I really needed to read your good news. Your timing could not be a lucky coincidence; SOMEONE knew that I needed just a little bit of hope and faith today. I'm very very happy for you!
  20. Welcome! It sounds like you've had a crash course in everything that is lung cancer. We all are here for you, just let us know how we can help!
  21. SBeth

    Update on Mom

    My prayers and thoughts will be with your family. Please take care of yourself while you are caring for your mother and let us know if there is anything that we can do for you.
  22. I'm praying for you guys Peggy.
  23. Karen & Dave, I'm so very sorry to read this latest news. I'll be praying for you all.
  24. Hi Val, I'm so glad to hear that your Mother is on this path! I know this must give you some relief with all you are carrying on your shoulders these days! Love and prayers to you and your family!
  25. SBeth

    latest update...

    I'm sorry that the scans did not offer better results. I hope that the radiation helps relieve some pain and discomfort. Have a wonderful time at SeaWorld, it's a beautiful place. One suggestion if you are going to the Orlando SeaWorld...get an electric wheelchair if you will be needing a wheelchair. We made that trip last October and I didn't realize how many of the water exhibits are viewed from below ground level. Those ramps uphill are tough!
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