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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Lynda , It sounds like your dad has a very good oncologist. Having a plan in place is a good feeling . Sending prayers your way for good results. Love, Sue
  2. (((Beth))), No words can tell you how I feel. I can't begin to know how you forget these painful memories, but I also see a lot of beautiful memories to comfort you. I pray that you can soon focus on the good and loving moments. I have to believe that is what Bill wanted for you. It's a good thing that we can't forsee exactly what will happen to us , but I am convinced more than ever that God was there with you through all of it .. There is no other way you could have gotten to where you are today. I pray that the days ahead be filled with comfort and that slowly , but surely you will find a way to live and laugh again. God be with you. Love, Sue
  3. Thanks , Fay, That's good information to know. Sue
  4. Thank you for the update, Donna. I will continue to keep Connie in my prayers. Love, Sue
  5. Janet , Thank you for sharing more about Ron with us. It sounds as though he is truly missed by many for his giving nature. I know that his sudden death must have been so very difficult for you, your family and his friends to bear. I would like to say that he was so blessed to have had a wife like you by his side. My prayers to you and your family. Love, Sue
  6. Your latest news is sounding good , Lori. Hope your mama continues to recover. Sorry your SF is making things dificult for you, but you are right .. you can vent here all you want to. You are among friends. Take care of yourself and know that prayers continue for you and your mom. Love, Sue
  7. Kasey, This is AWESOME news!!! I'm so happy for you . Like Charlie D. said ... "we want pictures" Do we get to see the poster girl? Actually, we don't need to see you to know that you are beautiful. You are one of the most beautiful people I know. Take care. You and Fred meet us at Cindi's ... This round is on me. Love, Sue
  8. Karen, 3 years is wonderful .. to many many more... Love, Sue
  9. Jorja, Thinking of you and prayers coming your way. Let us know how your dad's exam turned out. Love, Sue
  10. Welcome Ginnie, We are glad you found us. This is a wonderful , caring and knowledgeable group of people. If you could put a profile at the bottom of your post it would help us to help you. Every cancer diagnosis is unique, but there are many facts we share about symptoms and treatments that can be helpul to others. We are also good listeners, hand holders and there to offer prayers when needed. Again, glad you are here. sue
  11. Thanks and hope you feel better soon Maryanne. Love, Sue
  12. Tina, Sounds like a good plan. Will be praying it works. I know it always makes me feel better to at least know that we have done all we can with what is going on at the moment. Prayers coming. Love, Sue
  13. shineladysue

    rain check

    Geri , You and Kasey keep me in stitches.. I love your sense of humor , but am still concerned about you both. Hope that cold is better soon Geri and I'm sorry you have to wait... that's really a bummer and you are such a good sport about it. Take care of yourself. Love, Sue
  14. Lori, Sounds like a lot of wait and see . I know this must be so hard on you. I will be praying for you and your mom. Keep updating us. We love you and we care. Love and Prayers, Sue
  15. Heidi, You hang in there and know that many prayers are coming your way. We understand how scary this can be. Wait until all the results are in. Let us know how everything turns out. Love, Sue
  16. Tina, I just saw this and I'm really glad you are getting Charlie checked out today. A cough in a cancer patient can be from so many things. I do hope you get some quick answers and solutions. I was going to suggest another possibility not on the list.. oh heck I'll throw it out there anyway...... Mike had a dry non productive cough due to pneumonitis (caused by radiation and or chemo) a while back.. but it was also accompanied by the sudden onset of shortness of breath. In that case high doses of prednisone are used to reduce inflammation and the cough slowly improved. Will be looking for your update and praying for a simple solution. Love, Sue
  17. Prayers for you both!!! Love, Sue
  18. Nina, Sending prayers for you and Chuck. Keep us updated. Love, Sue
  19. Connie, Prayers and well wishes headed your way. Hurry and get back here to us. You are truly missed. Love, Sue
  20. Sandy, I will be praying that Jim does well with Navelbine. Mike was on it for a while and it was one of the mildest of all . He actually had some energy during it, but unfortunately it did not work for him. Don't be discouraged by whether it has worked or not worked with different ones. What works for one may not work for another. You will see that with every available treatment. God Bless. Love, Sue
  21. Lori, It sounds like your mama came through with flying colors. I'm so happy for you that she was able to speak to you. Keeping her in my prayers for a great recovery. Love, Sue
  22. I love catalogs.. don't know why. As for the rest... Open some and some not .. into the trash or paper shredder .. doesn't really bother me one way or another. sue
  23. continuous diarrhea?? Shelly, you testing to see if we are reading this stuff? I'd say that there are things much worse than death. That idea... errr ummm stinks.. I didn't say that did I.. sue
  24. THANK YOU , JOHN!!! sue
  25. Add my prayers as well. Sue
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