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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. I'm so very sorry for your loss. My prayers go out to you and your family during this extremely painful and difficult time. Know that we will be here for you when you need us. God Bless, Sue
  2. Leslie, I hesitate to make suggestions when I'm certainly not a doctor , but I have heard of these symptons with Aranesp shots... You might want to ask about it or at least research it for yourself. How serious it is , I don't know , but I do know I've known of patients having chest pain with them. I would at least check it out. Sue
  3. Happy Birthday Connie!!! Love,Sue
  4. Congratulations Missy & Hubby and Welcome Xavier!!! Will be praying for a speedy and full recovery for Xavier and for you to all be in your own little home soon. Can't wait to see the pics. Love & Prayers, Sue
  5. Oh Tom, I would just sit tight and wait for the answers. Someone may say something that could cause you unnecessary worry. The anxiety of waiting is sheer torture isn't it? I will be saying prayers that there is nothing serious attached to the bulge. Try to relax and go over to Kasey's Pub for the beverage of your choice. Sue
  6. shineladysue

    Thank You

    I am so very sorry to hear about the loss of your mom. My prayers are with your family. Sue
  7. Anne, It has been a year +4 months since I lost the love of my life and I still haven't gotten my home or my life together. I do necessities, but I am slow to move forward. You shouldn't feel you have to make apologies. There is a quote that I remember that helps me to get through.. It's a Dr. Seuss quote. “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” I think it applies to all things we say and do... It takes time Anne... be gentle with yourself. It has only been 46 days since you lost your beloved Karen.. God Bless. Sue
  8. All in the Family One of my favorites... Sometimes you want to go Where everybody knows your name, And they're always glad you came; (don't mean to hog the game.. I like this one.. )
  9. I was an extremely happy stay at home mom with a 7 year old and not long after I was expecting my second child. Mike and I had the perfect marriage. They were very good days. We were enjoying life and dreaming of what our retirement years would be like. Little did we know... Sue
  10. One thing in my life I still want to do is to see both of my sons be on their own, able to take care of themselves and realizing their own dreams. Sue
  11. Mash When it's least expected, you're elected, you're the star today.. Smile you're on.
  12. Larry, Nothing ventured, nothing gained. As for finding a new mate, if that is what you want, go for it. Trust your own judgement about this lady. Let us know how things work out. Wishing you every happiness, Larry. Sue
  13. Lots of prayers coming your way. Please keep us informed. God Bless, Sue
  14. The Jeffersons How about... Who can turn the world on with her smile? Who can take a nothing day, and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile?
  15. Happy Birthday Donna G & Hubby Jay Everyone be sure to get over to Kasey's Pub to join in the celebration for Donna G's Birthday. Woo Hoo!!! Sue
  16. Kasey, This is indeed a happy day. We have needed a Pub for a long time. So many times, I have wanted to post those words... Meet me at the pub .. or let's celebrate at the Pub ... Or C'mon over to the Pub for lots of hugs and support... Yes, it has been missing. For my first order, I would just like a cup of coffee and a nice wide overstuffed chair in the corner. I'm kinda shy. As soon as it becomes a respectable hour for cocktails, I would like to order a "Frank Lamb"... I brought plenty of Bud Light and chocolate doughnuts to make sure we won't run out. Oh , what a wonderful place this is going to be. Before I go.... I have something very important to say.. Happy Birthday Donna G!!! Love, Sue
  17. Hi Dina, I just want to let you know that I'm sending prayers your way. Let us know how the PET scan turns out and what the doctor reccommends for your Dad. Just remember that every case is different and we have many success stories on this board. My mom is 78 , just had a wedge section of the upper right lobe in May. She was put on Tarceva after. We are having difficulties getting that adjusted so she can take it, but overall she feels well. Hang in there and keep in touch. Sue
  18. I am so very sorry for your loss.. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to you and your family. God Bless, Sue
  19. Kate, I am so very sorry you have lost your precious mom. You will be in my thoughts and prayers in the days ahead. God Bless, Sue
  20. So so precious!!! Andrea, I am just so happy for you. Sue
  21. shineladysue


    (((Mary))), Welcome to our family. You are among friends who understand the emotions associated with losing family members to this horrible disease. I'm so sorry you have to be here, but I'm glad you found us. We understand and we care. God Bless, Sue
  22. Such a horrific sight. Prayers to all our members and everyone affected by this horrible tragedy. Sue
  23. (((Peggy))), I have really missed you. Have been thinking about you a lot lately. How can it be two years? It seems unreal and like it was just yesterday. So sorry to hear about your heart attack and your son's health. It sounds like you are on the road to recovery and I pray he will be soon too. On a positive note, your new home sounds like just the ticket. Hope your house sells soon. Hope you will check in with us again very soon. In the meantime, know that you always have a place here and friends who care. Luv and Prayers, Sue
  24. Nina, Such wonderful news, but what a horrible thing to have happen to you. I hope that you will soon find out what is making you feel ill and get the proper medication or treatment you need to make you feel better. I also hope you get reassuring news from your nephew, in reference to your scans. Luv and Prayers, Sue
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