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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Prayers coming your way , Cheryl. Hope this new trial is just the ticket. God Bless, Sue
  2. Haven't bought one in years, but I'm thinking of changing that. Sue
  3. Kasey, I just want to thank you, Fred and Teddy for taking this on and giving this gift of yourself. You are awesome. Luv, Sue
  4. (((Gail))), I'm so sorry for your loss of your Jake dog. I, too, have loved and lost a few furry friends and it's very hard. You and yours are in my thoughts. Sue
  5. I will bring lots of Bud Light and chocolate doughnuts in memory of Frank. Sue
  6. Jen, I don't know what PCI is and I don't know what kind of treatments your dad is going through , but if steroids are involved... prednisone or dexamethasone , you have your answer to the behavior. My husband, Mike was the kindest human being and hated to complain or make waves, but when he was on prednisone he became very agitated, aggressive and would oftentimes strike out at the ones closest to him. He would realize it later and apologize. He would tell me that it wasn't him talking , it was the drugs. Not everyone reacts like this , but many do. It's hard to be patient and understanding when someone is being hateful to you, but it just may be it is medication and not your Dad. God Bless.. Sue
  7. shineladysue

    Pet results

    Wonderful news!!! So happy for you. Love, Sue
  8. Kasey & Fred... please accept.. You guys are naturals. We do need a pub. Sooo, when is the GRAND OPENING???? Sue
  9. shineladysue

    Still married

    Ginny, Your message to Teri was beautiful and it helped me too. I also feel so blessed to have been loved and adored by an amazing man. 1 year 5 months (will be Aug 2nd) later, I am still married. I still wear my rings and still feel a part of what was and still feels like "us". God Bless Teri, Sue
  10. Nina, You continue to be in my prayers . Hope you soon have your results and that they will be good. Am axiously watching for you post. Love, Sue
  11. Connie, 12 years is Awesome. Here's to many many more. Thanks for all you give of yourself to others. God Bless, Sue
  12. Joanie, Hadn't realized you were having surgery. I sure hope this does the trick for you. You just take it easy and let the healing take over. Prayers coming your way. God Bless, Sue
  13. If it did, I don't remember it. Sue
  14. Barb, I've been looking for this update and it was worth the wait. Woo Hoo!!!, It sounds like good news for sure. I feel sure that "magic mouthwash" will help your Dad, it's good stuff. Hang in there and enjoy this news. My prayers to your family. Sue
  15. Barb, I would like to add that my mom started on Tarceva a few weeks ago at 150 mg. Within 6 days she had dry chapped lips, soreness of mouth especially the end of her tongue-the doctor prescribed a prescription mouth wash you swish and swallow which helped this tremendously, she also broke out in a rash,even her eyes itched, had a cough, shortness of breath, diarrhea etc... It was all due to the Tarceva. they took her off of it for over two weeks and everything cleared except for a bit of the rash and she has been back on it at 75mg for about 5 days. We are hoping she can tolerate the new lower dose. Time will tell. The main thing I want you to know is that her last PET scan (end of June) showed NO cancer , so none of this is due to cancer. She is being given the drug for adjuvant treatment . It is due to Tarceva. The important thing is to get him to the contact the doctor right away and let him/her know what is going on. In the meantime, do be sure he keeps up fluid intake to avoid dehydration. My best to you. Let me know how things turn out. Sue
  16. I am so very sorry for your loss. My condolences to your family. Sue
  17. Such a precious little baby. Thank you for sharing. Sue
  18. Nina, You can count on lots of prayers from me. Sure hope you are feeling better and that it has nothing to do with cancer. God Bless, Sue
  19. Oh Gail, thank you for sharing that. Thank goodness it's only sunburn, but you are really wise to be alert to changes in your body. Sue
  20. shineladysue

    The Big "5"

    Awesome news and thank you for being such an inspiration. Onward for many many more celebrations to come. God Bless, Sue
  21. Sky King http://members.cox.net/skykingtv/skyking.html Sue
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