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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Congratulations!!! I'm so very happy for you Andrea and Brian. Can hardly wait for pictures and more information. God Bless you all. Love, Sue
  2. What a wonderful story and such a wonderful dad. Thanks for sharing and keep up the GREAT ATTITUDE!!! Sue
  3. Andrea & Brian, Know that my prayers are with you, Randi, and the babies . I'm so excited for you. I just know everything will be just fine. Can hardly wait for the BIG news... Yes, Andrea, I've not always posted , but I have been with you through most of this and you and Brian deserve the best... God Be with you , your babies and Randi tomorrow. Love, Sue
  4. Lots of prayers on the way for you and Gary. Hang in there, one day at a time is all you can do. Will be with the others anxiously waiting for results. God Bless, Sue
  5. shineladysue


    Good to see you are ok , Marie. Babysitting a new granddaughter is a good excuse. Just know there are folks here who are thinking about you. Sue
  6. shineladysue


    Tanner, please accept my heartfelt sympathy. My prayers are with you and your family. Sue
  7. Silliest thing that comes to mind is when I was about 16 and riding around in a convertible when it was 10 degrees outside and snow on the ground. I'm sure there are many others, but I'm drawing a blank. Sue
  8. shineladysue

    My port . . .

    Wooo Hooo!!!! Let's celebrate. Happy for you Muriel. Sue
  9. Wow,what wonderful news to read. Congratulations, Aaron, for a job well done. Sue
  10. (((Connie))), I'm so sorry this happened to your friends. Know that you all have my prayers. Love, Sue
  11. Thank you Carol and Trish... Hanging onto positive thouhts and prayers. Love, Sue
  12. shineladysue


    Been thinking of her too. Hope we hear from you soon , Marie. Sue
  13. Dr. West, Thank you very much for your reply. My mom quit smoking 22 years ago and one of the tumors was the type of a non smoker. She is 78 years old, has severe emphysema, was on oxygen prior to the cancer diagnosis and still is, was on venilator 2 days after wedge-section and is not a candidate to have a lobe of her lung removed. So, her fragile condition does enter into the decision. Just praying for the best. Overall, she is pretty strong now and getting around pretty swiftly , but she does use a walker. She just had a PET scan the end of last week which we haven't gotten the results of yet. Again, thank you for your opinion. Sue
  14. (((Melinda))), I am so very sorry . My condolences and prayers to you and the family. Love, Sue
  15. shineladysue

    I'm retiring!

    Good to see you, Cyndy. Congratulations on what I am sure is a very much earned rest from work, although I am sure they will miss you. Enjoy!!! Love, Sue
  16. Wonderful news, Heidi!!! So happy for you and your family. Sue
  17. I am so very sorry for your loss. My sincere condolences to your family. Thank you for sharing your pictures. They are so heartwarming. God Bless, Sue
  18. I know that many of you have had difficulties in the past getting Tarceva paid for and I'm in the process of researching , but has anyone had this scenerio. Tarceva being prescribed as 1st line adjunct chemo as follow up to wedge section surgery ... advanced (2small tumors same area) NSCLC Mom (78yrs old) has Medicare A&B plus supplimental insurance with Blue Cross and Blue Shield. It seems Medicare will not pay anything and the insurance only wants to pay half which leaves a balance of about $1,600 a month they want Mom to pay. That's impossible. She and Dad are only on social security, no other income. The cancer center is trying to get it worked out , but I don't understand it . If chemo in house by infusion , costing about 3 times that much would be paid for , why not Tarceva at about a 3rd the price? Any experience or suggestions on this matter would be very much appreciated. Love, Sue
  19. Oh Andrea, You and hubby must be getting so excited. You are so close to realizing the dream you have shared for so long. Keeping you in my prayers. Love, Sue
  20. Kim, I am so very sorry to read about your family's loss. My prayers and condolences to your family. Love, Sue
  21. Yep, I fall all over myself saying " I'm so sorry , what did you say your name was" and 5 minutes later it's gone again unless I can discreetly get to my purse and write it on a piece of paper. Sue
  22. (((Nova))), Been there many times. Let it all out. It helps. Sending extra prayers your way. Keep us informed as to how you are doing. We care and we do understand. God Bless, Sue
  23. Ellie, I'm enjoying the good news and the smiles with you. Singing here too. Sue
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