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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. I was looking for information , hope , survivors and support. It only took me about 15 minutes to read at this site and realize that I could find all of that here. I can't leave because I feel we are family here. I continue to come here to give and receive support among people who have all had their lives in one way or another touched and forever changed because lung cancer was a part of it. God Bless you all, Sue
  2. Jim and Edna were both patients in a mental hospital. >One day while they were walking past the hospital swimming pool, >Jim suddenly jumped into the deep end. He sank to the bottom of the >pool and stayed there. Edna promptly jumped in to save him. >She swam to the bottom and pulled Jim out. > >When the Head Nurse Director became aware of Edna's heroic act, >she immediately ordered her to be discharged from the hospital, >as she now considered her to be mentally stable. >When she went to tell Edna the news, she said, >"Edna, I have good news and bad news. >The good news is you're being discharged. Since you were able >to rationally respond to a crisis by jumping in and saving the >life of another patient, I have concluded that your act >displays a sound mind. >The bad news is that Jim, the patient you saved, hung himself >in the bathroom with his bathrobe belt right after you saved him. >I am so sorry, but he's dead." > >Edna replied, "He didn't hang himself, I put him there to dry." >"How soon can I go home?"
  3. shineladysue


    Mary, It has been a little over a year ago that I lost my husband of 36 years. I do understand how you feel. Know that we are here for you. Many of us understand how you feel. Keep writing. Hugs, Sue
  4. (((Randy))), this just breaks my heart. I'm so sorry. Hugs, Sue
  5. Absolutely fantastic news and Big Congrats on your 3 years quit from smoking.. I quit 4 years ago and I know how hard it is to quit. Way to go, Fred. Sue
  6. I'm so very sorry. Sue
  7. God Bless Don Wood. Thank you Don for being there for ALL of us. Sue
  8. (((Katie))), Wonderful news!!! Love, Sue
  9. (((Tina))), My thoughts and prayers will be with you and the girls over these next few days. I thought of you yesterday-Easter. Mike was gone a year last month and I can relate to how you might be feeling now. Love, Sue
  10. http://whyquit.com/ Mitchell, I just reached 4 years quit after smoking 38 years. I swear by this site. There is a wonderful support group there. Mike's story is there. While we know that not all cancers are caused by smoking, we do know that smoking is a major cause. Mike felt that his was and wanted to continue saving lives, even after death by sharing his story. It's all there. Good luck Mitchell. You can do it.. I did. Love, Sue
  11. Katie, I just can't imagine having gone through all that I have been through without you , Rick and this site. You are an angel, Katie. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do. God Bless you always. Love, Sue
  12. (((Connie))), So glad you stopped in here to share your feelings with us. If our loved ones can come back to us, I believe Frank is with you. He loved his family so very much. Frank had quite a fan club here.. no , more than that.. we loved him very much. So hard to believe it has been two months. Frank , went out of his way to help everyone and to make us laugh. I just know if he is trying to come there with you it's because he wants to tell you to laugh and enjoy life. I won't forget Frank and I hope you will come often and share memories of him with us. We will be here for you and we understand how hard it can still be at two months.. yes.. Happy Easter to you and your family , Connie. Love, Sue
  13. Randy, Thank you so much for all you give of yourself to all of us. You are special Randy and very much appreciated for all you do. Hugs, Sue
  14. Rich , Sorry to hear you have been in the hospital. Hope you get back in your comfy home today. We miss you when you aren't around. Sue
  15. Wonderful News!!! I'm so happy for you Mike. Sue
  16. Amanda, I am so very sorry you have lost your Dad. My condolences and prayers for you and your family. Love, Sue
  17. Flowergirlie, I am so very sorry. This news just breaks my heart. Your hubby was so young. God be with you and your family in the days ahead. Know that we are still here for you too. Love, Sue
  18. (((Muffy))), I'm so very sorry. Be kind to yourself. It takes time. I so remember that I didn't want to answer the door or the phone either , after I lost my husband. It doesn't always feel like this. Allow yourself time to grieve. I hope you know that we are here for you. God Bless, Sue
  19. (((Tina))), I've thought about you so much. I'm sorry you and your daughters are having a rough time. I remember last year this time when you were going through those last days with Charlie. It wasn't so long after Mike passed away and both of Mike and Charlie had similar problems near the end. My heart was breaking for you then and it breaks for you now. I'm still here and I care. Please know I care and pM me any time, Life isn't being so very kind to me these days either. God Bless ,Tina... Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Sue
  20. Pammie, I'm so sorry to read this. You are doing everything you can. Keep your faith and enjoy the gifts God has given you. I will keep you in my prayers. Love, Sue
  21. Heidi , Mike had esophagus problems , but they were due to pressure from the tumor pressing into the esophagus. It did show on Ct scan. He got to a point that he kept belching and belching when he ate and would eventually vomit. He had difficulty swallowing things. The doctor actually stented his esophagus. This may not be your mom's case , at all. Sue
  22. Cheryl, As for feeling unstable , it has been exactly like that for me. Even after a year, it still happens. Out of the blue, a thought, a song, a special day , an object .. anything will still turn my smiles to painful tears. The tears usually go again, the way they appeared. Special days and occasions have been the hardest for me. You might want to frankly tell your Dad that you know this is going to be a hard day and ask if he would like company . I know, in my own case, I wanted to be alone with my thoughts and my tears. Everyone is different. Having friends and family tell me that they were aware of what day it was and wanted to know if I was ok was enough for me. It meant a lot to know others understood. Take care.. Sue
  23. Tiny, Such wonderful news!!! I can't tell you how happy I am for you. Don't stay away so long , ya hear. God Bless. Sue
  24. Congratulations!!! Such wonderful news. Will be looking for more details and pics , PLease!!! Sue
  25. Randi, so sorry you have a need to be here again. Hope things go well for your husband's grandmother. Sue
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