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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Amy, I don't know if any of us can answer your question. There are so very many things that happen in lung cancer cases and each case is different. Hope you learn more soon. The doctor is the best one for you to ask your question. My prayers are with you and your family. Love, Sue
  2. Heather, I am so very sorry for your loss. Know that we are here for you. My prayers go out to you and your family. Love, Sue
  3. Randy, Thank you for this list and all that you do for the members of this group. I pray that the lists of those lost, to this disease, will grow shorter and shorter with each coming year. Praying for continuous progress toward a cure for this horrible disease. Sue
  4. Joanie, I agree with Ry and Kasey . Do go to the doctor and insist on those blood cultures. Love, Sue
  5. husband recurrent & stage 4 age 59 lived 25 months after
  6. Lots of prayers to Katie and family. Love, Sue
  7. Tina, Prayers coming for you and your family. Just can't find the words to tell you what I am feeling, but know that you are in my prayers. Love, Sue
  8. So so sorry for what has been a devastating experience, but praying for a much more positive future. Sounds like your onc will do his best to get you moving in a more positive direction. You have my prayers. Sue
  9. Prayers coming your way. Sue
  10. My prayers continue to go out to Katie and her family. Love, Sue
  11. I'm so very sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you and your family. Sue
  12. I am so very sorry you lost your mom. My prayers for you and your family. Sue
  13. (((Pat)))), It is members like you who make this forum the special place that it is. You shared so much with us throughout Brian's fight and you still found time to support others , like me. I will never ever forget it. In my opinion, the timelines are a treasure chest of information to members old and new alike. I can remember, when I first came, how I would spend hours reading those profiles. There is a wealth of information within those lines. This journey is for warriors and warriors need weapons. What better weapons than knowledge , support from others and last but not least the Love of God who brought us together. Love, Sue
  14. (((Don))), I'm so sorry for all the loss in your life. Sometimes, I think we all just need to step back for a bit and regroup. We understand. I know I sure do. Know that you are in my prayers. Take care of you. Love, Sue
  15. I am so very sorry for you loss. Prayers to your family. Love, Sue
  16. Crystal, My thoughts and prayers are with your family. God be with you. Love, Sue
  17. Mostly I am a morning person. I do look forward to Happy hour and calling it a day.. Sue
  18. Kim, Just want you to know that I'm sending prayers your way. Be patient and gentle to yourself. It takes time to recover from such a huge loss. Love , Sue
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