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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Just got the update from my mom and my sister. Surgery is tenatively scheduled for next Wednesday if they can get all the preop stuff done before then. It will be major surgery, a 5" incision, a wedge of her lung removed, a rib will have to be broken and they will biopsy the lymph nodes while they are there. She will then be in intensive care for about 2 days and then be moved to post op where she will stay for at least another 5. There are a lot of concerns to be addressed over her breathing difficulties due to emphysema, her heart (atrial fibrillation) , her diabetes etc. This is what mom wants, so we will take a deep breath and support her in every way before , during and after. Please Keep her in your prayers... Will keep you updated. We are still praying that this is not cancer. Love, Sue
  2. 3 weeks!!!! Woooo Hoooo!!! Way to go Mitchell. You will still have those events come along that will trigger those familiar feelings, but they won't last long. You are really doing such a wonderful thing for yourself . I'm proud of you. Sue
  3. (((Missy))), I so wish I could find the right words to say, but I don't know if there are any. Wish I could take the pain away. Cherish the time you have with your mom. God be with you and yours. Love, Sue
  4. Dana, Thank you for updating us on your Mom. She is very much missed . Prayers coming for Joanie and your family. Love, Sue
  5. (((Randy))), I am so so very sorry. Hugs, Sue
  6. Hi Lily, It's good to hear from you. It has been a long hard road, but it sounds like some much deserved good times are ahead for you. Congratulations on retirement. Know that you are always welcome . Will be looking forward to seeing you again soon. Love, Sue
  7. shineladysue

    The Gift

    Don Lucie touched our lives too. A part of her will always live on at this site and in the hearts of all of us who knew her via you. She was a special lady. Sue
  8. Eileen, Thank you for sharing your wonderful cure with us. It gives HOPE to so many others. Sue
  9. shineladysue


    I love reading your good news!!! Wonderful. Sue
  10. Jamie, how wonderful. I'm so happy for you. God Bless, Sue
  11. Jennifer, Please accept my condolences for you and your family. God Bless, Sue
  12. (((Grace))), What can I say.. Over a year later and I'm not doing any better than you are. I do understand and I'm praying for US. Love, Sue
  13. Tina, I want you to know that you have been in my thoughts and prayers, as well. On the 16th, I thought of you. So well, I remember the one year anniversary of Mike's death. Anniversary dates and holidays seem to carry an especially powerful impact . Of course, sometimes it's just a thought, a song, a memory etc. that sends me into heaving sobs. It's not easy, but I couldn't want him back to suffer. Love and Prayers, Sue
  14. (((Flowergirlie))), I understand. Be gentle with yourself. Just take time and let yourself grieve. It has been over a year for me, but I still grieve. So many of Mike's things are just as he left them. Little at a time, I am trying to deal with that, but I am just not totally ready yet. We are here for you. Love, Sue
  15. Andrea , Congrats on 3,000 posts. Thank you so very much for all you do for our family. You are such a wonderfully compassionate and caring person and we are so blessed to have you here with us. God Bless, Sue
  16. I just want to thank all of you for being here for me and my family. We don't have a schedule for surgery yet. Someone should be calling my mom soon to tell her what she needs to do next. I will let you know when surgery is scheduled. In the meantime, we are praying hard that this is not cancer. Sue
  17. Yes!!!!!! Stable is wonderful. Sue
  18. Welcome to our family , Graham, Know that you are among people who understand what you and your wife are going through. Every case of lung cancer is different, but there are certain similarities which we can all compare and relate to. It would help to know a bit more about your wife's case. Graham, just know that there are many options available for treatment of lung cancer. As for the cough, it could be caused by many things. Her doctor should be able to help her with it. I am sorry you have to be here , but I am glad you found us. Sue
  19. Thank you so much everyone. Just seeing all your faces and posts in support of me and my family means so much. I don't want to be here talking about this damned disease again. We are praying that it's not cancer , but we know that it could well be. Mom is 78 and has other health problems such as emphysema, type 2 diabetes, atrial fibrillation etc. She has been through a lot of medical problems and procedures in her lifetime. She has had gallstones, kidney stones, hysterectomy, appendectomy , Giant cell arteritis, etc etc.. I've lost track. She has arthritis and walks with a walker and is already on oxygen... In spite of all that, she gets along pretty well. Just somehow, she didn't need to have this problem and please God don't let it be lung cancer. Thank you for letting me vent and thank you for your support. you guys are the best. Love, Sue
  20. Kelly, Prayers are on the way for you , your family and your mom. She has been such a fighter. It's such a helpless feeling to see the ones we love suffering like that. Sorry she is in the hospital , but hope that they can help her and get her built up. A feeding tube could be an option. Sue
  21. Deanne, I hope your husband's signs of early improvement only continue to get better and better. My best to you in your efforts to get Tarceva funded for him and others. Sue
  22. I haven't wanted to post this on the board, but mom and my family find ourselves possibly faced with another case of lung cancer. Mom has emphysema and her pulmonologist sent her for a routine xray a couple months ago. It showed a small spot in the upper right lung. A follow up Ct was done which confirmed the spot and a couple other very small nodules. To follow that up, a PET scan was just done which showed just the one spot of 1.2 by 1.4 in her upper right lung. After being offered alternatives of either bronchoscopy, needle biopsy or wedge section surgery , she chose the surgery. Mom wants the tumor out of there. We won't know if it is indeed cancer until it is biopsied during surgery. What I am asking for are two things ... 1. anyone with knowledge of and experience of having a wedge section to share the experience with us... 2. for your prayers. Thank you , Love, Sue
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