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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. shineladysue

    Roll Call...

    My friend PamS44 is still around and doing well. Just talked to her on the phone a couple nights ago. She is a 5 year survivor of what I believe is Stage 3b nsclc... After chemo and surgery she is NERD . She is a real inspiration to others. Sue
  2. Dark chocolate covering most anything.. yummm Sue
  3. Dana, I am so very sorry . Joanie was loved here and will be missed by many. My prayers to you and your family. Love, Sue
  4. Wonderful idea and such a wonderful tribute to your sister. Thanks for sharing. Sue
  5. Saw it too... cried buckets because it was sad and beautiful. Thanks Katie
  6. Oh Ann!!!! She's gorgeous. Don't think there was ever a more beautiful baby. I know you must be so very proud. Just looking into that smile makes you feel that all is right with the world. Love, Sue
  7. Lisa, My condolences to you and your family. Sue
  8. (((Barbara))), It happens to all of us from time to time. Whether we be caregivers or patients, we all come a little unglued sometimes, but..... Something tells me that you will pick yourself up and feel better soon. Sometimes a big cry helps a lot. I know I've sure had more than my share, but they somehow seemed to help strengthen me in the long run.. God Bless, Sue
  9. My thought is "tongue"..
  10. Oh Val, she's BEAUTIFUL!!! Love her name too. Will you call her Abby? I've always loved that name. Congratulations to you and hubby. Love, Sue
  11. Sounds like a very promising method of treatment. Sue
  12. (((((Dana, Joanie and family))))) I'm just so sorry. My prayers are with you. Sue
  13. Just wanted to bring this to the top again because I want all of you to know that your thoughts and prayers have meant so much to me and my family. It has just been so hard to accept a second lung cancer diagnosis in my family. I know many of you have been faced with the same thing, but now that it has happened to my family I know how very hard it is to accept. As I have said before, mom's tumors were removed and lymph nodes looked good. She is incredible, at 78 yrs old... she is doing very well. We will learn more about follow up options when she goes for her follow up with the doctor. Just don't know if chemo or radiation would be too much for her. We will have to see what they say. In the meantime, I'm trying to get a grip. The pain of losing my husband still seems so new, even after a year and this is just too much for me. Please bear with me and if you can spare prayers for us, it would be appreciated. Love to all, Sue
  14. Bobby, Hang in there. One thing I do know about radiation is that it continues to work for a while after treatment. Sometimes, a treatment break is in order to give a patient time to regain their strength. In the meantime, know that you have my prayers to go with the rest. God Bless, Sue
  15. see this thread... Anybody heard from Sue for an update. I will start a new post soon... It seems , I have no time.. Love, Sue
  16. Tina , Thank you for starting this thread and I apologize for not getting back sooner. This will be a very short update with a promise to do better in time. I've been nearly living at the hospital and I'm exhausted. My mom had her surgery Wednesday, May 2nd. She had wedge section biopsy, 2 small non small cell tumors were found and removed. The lymph nodes look good. It has been a rough week with her on ventilator a couple days and in icu for 4 days and then in a post surgery floor. She came home today. She is doing well, but is a little weak. She needs help getting around the house . My sis and I will take care of her. Sorry to have this so rushed.. I've only got a couple hours to put my feet up. Thank you so much for being here for us. Love, Sue
  17. Hello Everyone, Mom will be going in for her wedge section surgery tomorrow morning (Wed, May 2nd) , 11:15am EDT. The purpose is to biopsy and remove the mass in her right lung. After, xray, CTscan and PET, this was decided as the right course to take. She is 78 years old and has multiple health problems. Overall, she is strong, has a good appetite and has a wonderful attitude about the outcome of this surgery . Thank you for all of your support so far and I ask that you please keep us in your thoughts and prayers for tomorrow. Love, Sue
  18. Tanner, I am so sorry Karen is not doing well. I agree with Don .. see the doctor or at least call them and let them know what is going on. In the meantime, know that I am praying for her and you. God Bless, Sue
  19. ((((Connie & Family)))), For Frank, a lot of unforgettable memories and I raise my Bud light. Love, Sue
  20. Thank you so much , all of you. God Bless you . I will be writing again. It looks like surgery will be Wednesday at 11:15 am.. I will most likely be here asking for prayers the day before. Love & Prayers to all, Sue
  21. Pammie, I'm so sorry you have had to go through all of this, but I am happy for you that the treatments are over. Sure hope this means that you will be gaining your strength back soon. Love, Sue
  22. I am so sorry to hear this news about your mil, but her behaviour is not totally uncommon. I don't have direct experience with the situation you are faced with , but there are members here who have . I would expect the doctor and hospice to be able to give her medication to calm her down. I do know that there are several choices of drugs that may help. I'm sure there will be members who can relate and share their experiences with you. Again, I am so sorry you and your family is having to go through this heartbreaking experience. Sue
  23. Leslie, Welcome to our family. One thing for you to keep in mind is that every case of lung cancer is different, so you can't compare your Dad to others. What you will notice is certain similarities in cases . I know it's hard waiting , but your Dad's doctor should be able to give you a better idea of how he will be treated after he gets the results of his PET scan. Just know that there is a lot of reason to have hope and plenty of supportive members who will be happy to share information with you. In the meantime, read everything and you will learn that there is a wealth of information here . My best to you. Keep us informed of your Dad's case. Sue
  24. This is wonderful news, indeed!!! We will be here to follow his progress. Prayers coming your way. Sue
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