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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. (((Ellie))), I remember and your sister was so blessed to have your love. Hugs, Sue
  2. Lillian, I'm sorry I wasn't here when you wrote this post, but I do want you to know that my heart goes out to you and yes, we do understand. This is the one place where you will always be able to come and find understanding friends. Hugs, Sue
  3. Oh Ginny, I'm sorry I wasn't here when you posted. Of course, you can count on prayers from me for your dil's uncle and your family. Hugs, Sue
  4. This is such sad news. My heartfelt sympathies go out to her family and friends. She will surely be missed by our family here . Sue
  5. shineladysue

    6 yrs ago

    Love this forum and love celebrating your mom's 6 year anniversary date, with all the good news that goes with it. This is the kind of celebration that gives hope to others.. Onward to the next 6 and many many more. Hugs, Sue
  6. Eric, thanks for sharing your pics with us. They are just beautiful. Sue
  7. Awesome picture , Ronnie! Thanks for sharing. Sue
  8. Ronnie, my heart goes out to you because I know how painful and those memories can be. Ironically, just two days ago, I suffered a total meltdown . I lost my husband over 4 1/2 years ago, but it still happens when I least expect it. I was in the den , where he stayed during the last two years of his life. I took one glimpse of the sofa there and I remembered how he used to end each day by saying " Good night, I love you honey, I'll see you in the morning". I remember thinking then... what will I do when he is gone and I no longer hear those words... just thinking about that and I started crying so hard , harder than I have cried in a long time and I could hardly stop. It was scary, really scary... Most days I go along pretty well, but there are those triggers that remind me how close to the surface the pain and loss still is... Be kind to yourself, Ronnie and know that those moments are normal. I oftentimes , still relive those last hours and minutes. Each time, it feels like it just happened. I'm not sure how we deal with that. I've never been to counseling, perhaps I should . Perhaps others will chime in on this subject. Sometimes , just knowing others have these things happen is reassuring. Hugs, Sue
  9. (((Katy))), I'm so very sorry to read about your loss. I do remember reading your posts and, although I haven't always posted, I have certainly kept you both in my prayers. We will be here for you as you go through those very difficult days ahead. Hugs, Sue
  10. shineladysue


    Thanks for your update on Marisa, Lily. I've thought about her often. I'm glad she is able to enjoy life as she has chosen to live it. God Bless her. Sue
  11. Judy, I know just a little about Tarceva because Mike was on it for a short time and my mom was on a short time as well. The one thing I know is the rash can become bad enough to cause a secondary infection ,so you definitely want an antibiotic ointment like clindamycin ( sp) . Of course, that won't be a problem with you.. it wouldn't dare. The only other thing I know is that my mom needed the "magic mouthwash" because she had soreness in her throat , mouth etc. And... diarrhea.. lots of immodium on hand. I remember Mike's doctor telling him exactly what to do if that became a problem.. it seems that if you do exactly what they tell you, when it initially happens, that it nips it in the bud and is manageable after. All this sounds awful doesn't it, but ya know for most people it is very doable and I'm booking on you being one of those people. You have done so well on alimta and that is one that is intolerable for many. I have a feeling that you are going to do just fine and I'm praying you will be one of those who has miraculous response to it. I'm only allowing positive thoughts in my head, where you are concerned. Let us know when you get started. Hugs, Sue
  12. (((Nova))), it's so nice to see you again. I certainly remember you and your journey with Harry. I saw your post late last night and I didn't know what to say then and I don't know what to say now. It has been 4 1/2 years since I lost Mike and it has been a horrible struggle for me. I think it varies a lot from person to person. For me, I lost Mike at a time when my own health was not good, our home was in need of repair, when I had no money and no help... and I hate to say that 4 1/2 years later I am struggling with all the same issues and things seem to have gone from bad to worse for me. From what I have observed, the widows that had a job, better health, money and a social life fair much better. It's hard to get on with your life if you have no way to get there. I still cry a lot and can't talk about Mike without breaking down. For me, Mike was my soulmate, my best friend.. my everything.. I was so blessed with the perfect marriage. I feel really blessed to have known what that was like because not everyone has that. So, you can see why I hesitated to answer you , but then again maybe we should just consider ourselves blessed to have known a love like we had. I don't think we should beat ourselves up or even compare ourselves to others because I think each person has so many different variables in their lives which influence how well they are able to pick up and move on. I don't think we ever forget them, but I think if we can find a way to find comfort in our lives without them . I'm just rambling here, but my point is that I don't think anyone can answer you because every one of us has unique circumstances which help influence how we will live alone. Sending you big hugs of understanding and lots of positive wishes for brighter days ahead. Your Harry was a blessed guy to have had you buy his side. Take care and stay in touch. Hugs, Sue PS: Many of us are on Facebook . You might want to keep in touch with us there and play games too..
  13. Susan, the obituary is so beautifully written and helps us to know more about your mom. My heartfelt sympathies go out to you and all of her family and friends. I know she will be missed and remembered very fondly by many. May God be with you and yours as you go through the sometimes very difficult days ahead. Hugs, Sue
  14. (((Michelle)))), I posted on facebook , but I want you to know that you have been in my thoughts today. Those of us who have lost family and friends understand. It's not easy and anniversaries come with a mixed bag of emotions . God Bless. Hugs, Sue
  15. Wow, Denise, That really is something that the two guys met and had so much in common. Sounds like a new friendship in the works. Sometimes, I just have to believe that there is a lot more than coincidence involved over things that happen in our lives. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Sue
  16. Eric, I just want to be added to "team Eric"... we might call ourselves.. all out here sending positive vibes and prayers for much success in your treatment. You can do this , one day at a time and we will be out here cheering you on. Your fantastic attitude will take you far. Wishing you the very best, Sue
  17. (((Ronnie))), Sending a big cyber hug to you. So sorry to read about your health issues. Having to deal with them alone, without Pat must be very tough . I know everything is harder for me, since I have to do it alone. I'm just so sorry for all the pain and grief you are going through, all at once. Just keep posting and know that there are many of us out here, even though we don't always post every day, who TOTALLY understand. Sometimes, it just helps to write things out and share them with people who can relate to your feelings. Take care of yourself and keep in touch. Hugs, Sue
  18. Ronnie, My heart goes out to you as you grieve the loss of your pet . It's never easy and it's especially hard when you are already grieving the loss of someone you love. Just know that we understand here and I know, first hand, how much it means to be able to express your feelings among people who understand and care. Hugs, Sue
  19. Kasey, Six years is just music to my ears. Such a beautiful lady you are, inside and out. I'm so thrilled to be helping you celebrate this awesome anniversary and I look forward to helping you celebrate many many more. You are truly an inspiration and a friend to us all. Thank you for sharing and caring, always. Love, Sue
  20. Five years is wonderful!!! I love celebrating the good news. Hugs, Sue
  21. It's good to hear that your mom is doing so well now. She sure is a fighter and I know it hasn't been easy for her. I am so sorry your family is facing the same fears again. I will keep your Dad in my prayers , as well as the rest of your family . Your parents are blessed to have you looking out for them. Please keep us updated. Hugs, Sue
  22. Ginny, I posted on this day on facebook, but I wanted to post here. I had only been a member a couple of months when you lost your "Duke". What I do remember is that your love for him was quite evident then and remains evident to this day. Earl would be so very proud of you. You truly inspire me , my lcsc and facebook friend. BIG Hugs, Sue
  23. Ronnie, Thank you so very much for sharing your wonderful family with us. Hugs, Sue
  24. (((Lily))), Somehow, hugs just don't seem like enough with all that is going on in your life. I have told you this on facebook, but will tell you again how very sorry I am about the loss of your Misty. Take care and know that you will be in my prayers. Hugs, Sue
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