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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Maryanne, I am so very sorry about the loss of your friend and my condolences to her family. As for this story, I can relate. Mike's story was similar. The first time he was diagnosed, it was early stage and his right lung was removed, but 3 years later when symptoms presented themselves.. the doctor kept treating him for sinus congestion etc.. and when he made repeated visits, she decided he was depressed and gave him an antidepressant. It was bizarre... I told him at the time, that I lacked confidence in her and if he was depressed it was because he was ill. Anyhow, the upshot was after months of the wrong diagnosis, he found out he had a recurrence and was stage IV... and after a two year battle , I lost him . I guess I will always wonder why she didn't send him for a scan , especially knowing he had already lost a lung to cancer. Just an added note, his didn't show up on his xrays. It was in the bronchial stump and showed on scan. Wish I had found this site back at the time he was going through that. Perhaps a lesson can be learned and someone who is reading and going through similar circumstances will be very assertive and demand a scan before it's too late. Again, Maryanne, I feel much empathy and sympathy for you and your friend's family and friends. Hugs, Sue
  2. Barb, I am so sorry you have lost your friend. Please pass on my condolences to her family and friends. Hugs, Sue
  3. Bonnie , my heart goes out to you. My sincere condolences to you and your family. Know that we are here for you as you go through those difficult days ahead. There are many of us who have suffered loss and know how important it is to be able to share your feelings with people who understand. Hugs, Sue
  4. Barbara, You asked for "thoughts" , so in my way of thinking, I agree with you . I have no experience dealing with hospice, but I know many here have and hopefully they will chime in with their personal experience. I just know that the risk of systemic infection is very real. To think that a patient would be denied, a much needed, antibiotic because he is on hospice would certainly be a very upsetting thought and not what I thought the purpose of hospice was meant to be. Certainly, the hospice people have had similar situations before and would know if that is common practice. I'd push for the antibiotic. God Bless you and Bill... Hugs, Sue PS: Can you tell the thought of this upset me?
  5. shineladysue

    mom passed

    (((Mare))). I'm so very sorry you have lost your mom. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to you and your family. Hugs, Sue
  6. (((Geri))), Thank God , you are here to tell us about your "event". How do I miss these things? I'm here now and I'm just so sorry you have gone through so much, but it seems God wants to keep you around a while and so do we.. Thoughts and prayers headed your way. Hugs, Sue
  7. shineladysue

    rockin' Tarceva

    WONDERFUL NEWS!!! Hugs, Sue
  8. shineladysue


    A little late, but heartfelt, nonetheless....... Happy 80th Birthday!!! to your mom. Susan, I've read it many times here and when Tarceva is good , it is really good... it seems to agree with your mom. I'm so happy for her and your family.. Hugs, Sue
  9. Melanie, How wonderful to read your update today. I am so so happy for you. You sound like you are recovering rapidly and I feel sure you will continue that way. I'm just so happy that your surgery is behind you and that you are cancer free.... that is just so so wonderful. God Bless , Sue
  10. LOL! Now that's one of the funniest jokes I have read in a while...
  11. Oh Melanie, I had been looking for a post from you and I totally missed this. Anyhow, I have found it now and you sound absolutely wonderful. Sorry about the epidural problems, but it sounds like you are ok now. Get lots of rest. My hubby used tons of pillows and it helped. Lots of healing vibes and prayers coming your way. Please keep in touch when you can. Hugs, Sue
  12. Wonderful news, Dawn!!! I'm so happy for you. Hugs, Sue
  13. Maryanne, thanks for posting this. I'm never seen this before and it's something all of us can remember . It's good to know that something so simple could save a life. Sue
  14. shineladysue


    Thanks for the update , Bruce. My prayers continue for Marisa. Hugs, Sue
  15. Barbara, I've been thinking about you and wondering how you did with your cyberknife. Hope it wasn' t too hard on you. As for the Alimta, as you say , there are good reports and then those of side effects etc. , but it's like any treatment , there are no two people alike and no two people react the same. I think it's just a personal choice. As Ry says, you can always stop if you find it's not working for you. Whatever you decide , know that you have my prayers for the best. Please keep in touch and let us know how you are doing. Hugs, Sue
  16. Barbara, I've been thinking about you and wondering how you did with your cyberknife. Hope it wasn' t too hard on you. As for the Alimta, as you say , there are good reports and then those of side effects etc. , but it's like any treatment , there are no two people alike and no two people react the same. I think it's just a personal choice. As Ry says, you can always stop if you find it's not working for you. Whatever you decide , know that you have my prayers for the best. Please keep in touch and let us know how you are doing. Hugs, Sue
  17. Patti, I want to thank you for all that you have given of yourself to all of us. You are such an inspiration . You have always had the most positive attitude and you've given out more hugs than anyone I've ever seen. You are just so so special. You can count on my prayers for those scans.. Luv you, Ms Patti... you're the best. Hugs, Sue
  18. Melanie, add my prayers to the rest. You are going to do just fine. I can't tell you not to be nervous because I would imagine everyone that has this kind of surgery or any kind of surgery, for that matter, are nervous. Your amazing attitude and your youth are in your favor. Hang in there and take strength from all the prayers coming your way. I will be saying extra prayers for you that day. Hugs, Sue
  19. Melanie, my hubby had an epidural and they kept it in place almost the entire time he was in the hospital . He never complained of pain, so it is really a good thing. I had one when I had my last baby and all I remember was a little pressure. You CAN do this. Keeping you in my prayers. I'm a big baby, myself and I understand, but you will ROCK this.. Hugs, Sue
  20. On the roof or wherever, I'm ready to help you CELEBRATE!!!! Wonderful news!... Hugs, Sue
  21. I appreciate the thought Ry, but I've been having a bad time with my eyes lately and find it difficult to sit down and read a book. I need to get into the eye doc... not only am I past due for an eye exam , but my glasses are bent and ... well, I procrastinate. Sue
  22. This is such wonderful news! I'm so glad that I stopped in to read tonight. Your sister is indeed an inspiration. Hugs, Sue
  23. Barb, I was just checking in and I'm glad to hear that Bill is home. It's good that he has a good appetite because that will really help him to regain his leg strength. My mom lost quite a bit of strength after her last lung surgery and 3 week stay in the hospital, due to infection. She had to come home by ambulance and it took quite a while, with my sister assisting her, for her to gain back her strength, but slowly it did come back. The therapy should help to strenghen him. Know that the two of you and your family remain in my prayers. Hugs, Sue
  24. Judy, a quick fix to that print thing is when you are on the board, to hold down control key and move your mouse wheel until the print is the size you need.
  25. Lots of warm blankets and lcsc family hugs for you , Randy. Love, Sue
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