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Everything posted by mamasbabygirl

  1. We celebrated my mom's birthday in the hospital. We laughed and cried. Her roommate (and her family)enjoyed the celebration too! I hope that this stays as manageable as possible for all of you. HUGS
  2. Tanner, This roller coaster certainly takes it's toll on the patient and caregiver. Try to do what Mary Colleen said, dig way deep down for an ounce more of strength. Many hugs and prayers being sent your way.
  3. Oh Dana, I am so sorry. I will say many prayers of peace for your beautiful mom.
  4. You are not complaining Teri, just letting it out-which is good. It's scary when things don't feel right. I hope you can get to the bottom of it at the Dr. visit. HUGS
  5. So glad to hear it, now on to recovery! Get some rest!!
  6. It hurts, it just does. May peace be with you Kim.
  7. My MIL and FIL (from my marriage)go by Grandpa and Mamaw to all of us. John's mom is Granny to all of us.
  8. Your mom is so courageous and brave and this is just one more thing she has done to show that. ((Missy))
  9. I wonder if there are any respite services available in your area, either through an agency on aging or medicaid (not sure of your mom's financial and insurance issues). All of us caregivers know that we can't take care of anyone else if we don't care for ourselves. Sounds like you need a good break, maybe to regroup and then continue on. I'm sure the last thing you want to do is start making phone calls, but I am betting there should be some kind of service in your community that may be able to help. I was a caregiver to my mom with lots of support and a current caregiver to MIL with no support, so I get this from both ends. I'l try to help if you want me to.
  10. Congrats on retirement Lily! I totally understand what you are saying about going back to read your journals. It has been instrumental in dealing with my grief in losing my hubby over 7 years ago. It really lets you see how far you've come, what you learned, and it feels good at the time to let it out.
  11. Well, I know that you are not worthless and you are stepping up to the plate to take care of mom, daughter, hubby and baby. One day at a time sista, that's all you can do.
  12. I'll send my prayers as well. Perhaps the spots are radiation necrosis, which is swelling. If so, perhaps they can treat it with steroids, which are not a piece of cake, but better than the alternative. I pray that you get good news about this.
  13. yep, just let it happen. It is hard when you try to be brave in front of your kids, but you have to find an outlet. Of course you have us, but I'll throw in that writing helped me (especially when I looked back at what I wrote and could process how I got through each hurdle). Also, counseling helped me, not immediately, but I knew that I was trying something to help me feel better. I think I started couseling about 8 weeks after my hubby passed.
  14. Beth, I am so sorry that this is happening to your mom and family. It is terrbile to see your mom lose mobility, independence and freedom. It sounds good that your SF has 2 aides to help him out and even better that you are able to go be with her so often. I hope you find comfort in that. You are a good daughter. I'll say a prayer for you.
  15. Wow, it seems that you really have a hard decision to make here. Perhaps the best solution would be for him to do the treatment in Florida at one of the reputable places mentioned above with the agreement that if it becomes too much for you, you will both go to NY. The value of the support network you have in NY must not be underrated. I understand your desire to honor his wishes, but also take care of yourself. I'll send a prayer for you!
  16. Oh Kelly, some of my mom's worst pain was from the the radiation. Even water hurt my mom. It did subside, but it took a month or so after her radiation had ended. I pray it subsides quciker for your mom, but it sounds like a feeding tube may be a quick patch until she can eat again. Prayers my dear!
  17. I come here as a legacy to my mama, to help others in any small way I can. This site gave me and my mom so much hope. I printed many posts/profiles and read them to her. Through using this site as an inspiration in my mom's fight, I started to care about everyone here. I've said it before and I'll say it again-You are like my family.
  18. Oh no Randy, not Daisy Dawg. I am so sorry...
  19. My mom had a pretty easy time with her first round of chemo, which was carbo/taxol but then she went on to Alimta after a recurrence and it was mean to her. She had all of the symptoms mentioned above. Her Dr. could not believe it, but it was definitely caused by Amilta use. The good news, it held the lung cancer stable forever. Damn the brain mets....
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