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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. Cindy RN

    5 for 3/20

    1. The sermon this AM. Reminded me ----------- 2. The nap I took. 3. I had lunch ready before we got home from church-no griping about what are we having! 4. Roxy 5. Spring dinner at church tonight. No cooking for me tonight!
  2. Missed you too! Glad your mom's was caught early! I too, have many friends that have had breast cancer and are doing very well. Cindy
  3. Wearin of the green!! She is a cutie! Cindy
  4. Cindy RN

    Pet Scan

    Congrats on the NED!!!!!!!!!! Have her ask the Dr for an order for xanax. They come in 0.25, 0.50, and 1 mg doses. She could take one before the scan and it really relaxes you. Also tell her to keep her eyes closed and think of a pleasant place. It always helps me. They always let me choose the music I want to listen to when I have these done. Good Luck! Cindy
  5. Mine was discovered in Feb 2001 and had chemo thru out the yr. I had NED til Feb 2003 and had chemo and radiation til Aug 2003. I have been NED since. I am working about 10 hrs a week teaching at the local college. So I am doing well at this time. Cindy
  6. Jen- I can not imagine how scary it is just waiting til Mon.! The techs usually will not tell you anything when they see it on the scans. I know tho if you work at the facility they are a bit less strict!! I always ask to see mine after I am done. Most of them let me and usually answer questions, hopefully it is nothing at all Cindy
  7. Betty- I hate hearing about so much pain! You are a very special person who has been on here along time, I want you pain free and back at the puter Love Cindy
  8. DO NOT GIVE UP THERE ARE MORE CHEMO MEDS THAT YOU ALL CAN TRY!!!! Listen to those on here. Get another opinion. Good luck! Cindy
  9. Cindy RN

    Bad day

    I am with Fay over the 5 miles a day. I am lucky to get up and down the steps of my house
  10. Cindy RN

    Bad day

    Well I did not read this til this AM so I had my coffee for you this AM. As for the camptosar---I had it with the cisplatin the first go around for my cancer. I had a yr remission after that. Hope you do as well on it!! Cindy
  11. 1. My youngest daugter got a job after college classes. 2. Roxy 3. Hubby is working overtime! $$$$$$$$$$$ 4.My sis from Park City called. 5. I am alive
  12. She is a doll! My how she has grown up! Cindy
  13. Cindy RN

    Sad news

    Rosemary-I am so sorry for you. Please know you and your family are in my prayers. Love Cindy
  14. Their are several on here who have had it done. I chose not to mainly due to the memory loss some have had. Everybody has to make that decision on their own. Good luck, GLAD ABOUT THE NED!!!!!!!!!!!! Cindy
  15. WELL_____ Feb 2003 I was going into the clinic at the hospital for my radiation tx. I was about 10 feet from the door and slipped and fell on ice. I broke my R leg and had to have surgery to repair it. You would think the hospital would pick up the tab-----NOPE. They should of had salt down, especially at the doors near a cancer clinic door!!!!!! I am going to court in June for the court date. They have dug their heels in and it was so stupid of them!! All I wanted was for them to pay the bills related to the injury back then. Now I have to sue for enough for the attorny. I have never been involved in a law suit before. NOT worth it! Cindy
  16. Go before if you can. I HAD to have a tooth worked on while I was on chemo-no choice. I went on antibiotics during that period. Good luck-Cindy
  17. Hi Jen! As you know I chose not to have it done. WHY? Well after talking with the Dr about it he said if it spread to the brain I could always have the rad. tx to that area then. He said it was my choice and after discussing this with a few people who have had it I decided the risk did not out wiegh it for ME. Everybody has to make their own decision on this one. Hope you do well! Love Ya Cindy
  18. You are not alone. I too was with my mom when she passed on. My other family was near so I was not alone with her. It is a very special moment when you know they are no longer 'with' you. I have been around many people who have died. YES I have seen some of them talk right up to their death about what they were seeing. My grandma talked with her dead mother and sister for 2 days before she died. She always had her eyes closed. I believe they were there with her. My prayers are with you as you must now go on. Love Cindy
  19. I want you to know you are in my prayers. Please keep us updated. Love Cindy
  20. Cindy RN

    3/4/05 5's

    1. Roxy 2. Warmer weather 3. Celexa 4. Cozy warm bed 5.I will leave this open for tonight Cindy
  21. Add my prayers also. Caregivers are a special people. They are always there. Bill know we are thinking of you. Cindy
  22. I just saw your post!!! I hate it that you are suffering such! Maybe they can use a combo of pain meds. Sometimes that works. I did that cisplatin the first go around and I had a hard time controling the SE of it. I pray for relief and peace for you, and that this med KILLS those stupid cancer cells!!!!!!!! Love ya Cindy
  23. I too, am glad you found this site! I have been fighting this disease now for 4 yrs. Mine is extensive thou. I have had 1 relapse but on the whole have done well. I have gone back to work-kinda-I am teaching-not working in a hospital, it was too stenuous for me. I opted not to do the PCI, there are several on here who have had it and I am sure they can be a great resource for you. Where is McHenry?? I am in south-eastern IL. Cindy
  24. At the bottom of the home page there is a box that shows who is on and how many people have been on at the same time! On Oct. 13th there were 43 people on here at the same time. I have meant to put this up several times and kept forgetting it! Oct 13 was my 48th birthday!! I know it would be nice to see the number go up but SECRETLY I hope it doesn't!! I like the fact that it happened on that day--just had to say it-
  25. I am so sorry. Glad his last hours were good. Prayers with you, Cindy
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