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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. I agree, push her down and pull her hair. If nothing else it would make you feel better. (I feel childish!)
  2. You are fighting IT. Prayers are with you Cindy
  3. You Go Fay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think we all have our moments!! My List began 2 weeks after I was diagnosed. I decided then to do whatever I wanted. Eat anything I wanted-afterall cancer pt. lose weight right?? WRONG_not all of us, I gained about 25 lbs. that summer! YUK!! I went back to work after treatments in the ER. Did pretty good til I relapsed and broke my leg! I went thru treatment then spent a yr working more on a Benevolence agency I have been with for yrs. Then I got up the nerve to teach at the college-CNA classes. You bet I push caring for the PT., I tell them I have been one enough I know a good aid from a bad aid. HA! I work in the yard-which I love and spend time with my loved ones! I plan on doing this til the next mountain gets in the way and then I will either tunnel thru it OR go around it. I still have not been a Grandma yet so I have not finished my time here yet. FAY- we will be here on this site til that cure is found!!
  4. You sound like my daughter!! Many times I sit out back and when the sun has been really bright I turn towards it and feel the heat on my face. It feels so good. Of course my eyes are closed but I imagine the bright white/warmth of Heaven. Once my daughter asked me what I was doing?? I told her I missed tanning! HA! I too, am planning a trip to FL in May I HOPE!!! I do NOT golf tho! Like your mom she probably puts those moments of having the sun in her face to --picture memories-- for later! May God bless. Also---see about a second line of treatment! I had a relapse in 2003 and I have done well since that treatment too. I am now at 4 yrs. It was also extensive. Love cindy
  5. Ny mom had radiation to the brain and did OK with her driving for several months. CHECK with the Dr!!! Depends on location of the tumor and how advanced it is. Good luck, Cindy
  6. Yep-I am still around. I check this forum a couple times a day to see whats up-I have not posted much lately. I am busy with teaching the CNA classes. I am at the the 4 yr mark this month!! I had a relapse in 2003 and did the chemo and radiation that yr. but my last dose was Aug 2003 and I am still NED. God is good!! Cindy
  7. My regimine was slightly different-I ate Imodium and Lomotil for months!! Besides that I did well. You have a positive attitude and that is 99% of it. Cindy
  8. ENJOY!! You will have fun planning it from now til you pull away from the dock-Cindy
  9. Cindy RN

    It's BAD

    ((((((((((((((((((BETH))))))))))))))))))))))))) YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!! Ask ME!! I hit the 4 year mark THIS month!!! I did 9 mos of chemo in 2001 and had a 1 year remission!! Feb 2003 it came back AGAIN!! I did 6 weeks of radiation and 6 mos of chemo. Aug. 2003 was my last treatment. I AM STILL HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You need to take all the xanax you can for the next few days!! I did the first week in 2001 when I was diagnosed-it DID get me thru those first few days. SMILE-think about this!! They FOUND the cancer at a point when you CAN get treatment. We love you!! You will do well. I KNOW this!! Tell your mom she is great! She sounds like a great one! PM me if you need-Love Cindy
  10. OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate this! We get good results then boom! it comes back. Please know I care, and just post away on here. love ya! Cindy
  11. Prayers are with you. Let us know as soon as you get the results! Love Cindy
  12. I am so sorry for your loss. I am sure it feels unbearable now. I have 2 sisters and it seems impossible to think of one of them gone. Prayers are with you. Love Cindy
  13. I MUST agree!!!! Find a new Dr-Please tell your mom I have had sclc with mets to the adrenal gland, vessels of the heart mediastinal area etc. Mine was found in Feb 2001!! I went thru 9 mos of chemo, had a year of remission and then it relapsed in the other lung. I did 6 weeks of radiation and then 6 mos of chemo -I have been off the chemo now since Aug 2003!! My main concern is how long it took them to find your moms new tumors. I get a CT every 2-3 mos. so if it does spread-and it almost always does!-they can start treatment imediatly!!! I have now been around for 4 yrs since it was orig. found. Good luck, please pm me if you need someone to talk with your mom. Love Cindy
  14. Hi Fay!!!!!!!!!! Glad to see you pop up! I have not seen Nancy on here either-maybe she will appear when she see's your post. Love Cindy
  15. Shelly-I wish you the best. PLEASE check in!! Your sis is lucky to have you. Love Cindy
  16. You just write us and let us know day to day how it going. You are in my prayers. Love Cindy
  17. Fay-YOU CAN NOT let it happen. Sometime computers need Dr just like us. They charge as much as human ones tho Call if it happens and let us know what is up-Love Cindy
  18. I wish we were born with these things! I have had mine now 4 yrs. I go every 4-6 weeks and have it flushed. I have not had chemo now since Aug 2003 and plan on keeping this til I die!! Cindy
  19. Betty-I too do not post often but check here several times a day. I wish you were feeling back to normal-NORMAL?????? What is that? After 4 yrs of this stuff I wonder. YOU my friend are making it-I pray we are always here to check in! Love ya Cindy
  20. me agree 2 Lets just hope that it's back strain. Those dryers are heavy. Cindy
  21. I know of 2 friends who saw-something just before they died. One kept looking and pointing at the corner in the ceiling. Greg another one saw horses with a cart of some type coming. He was looking above the window in his living room. My own grandma talked with dead relatives for a few days before she died. She always had her eyes closed, she did not act like she could hear us but she had long conversations with her mom and sis. I pray I can leave behind a memory like these to my kids and Tom. Love Cindy
  22. Cindy RN

    Pet Scan is clear

    great news, the mri will be the same!
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