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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. This is one of those ? that we all think about. When my mom died, I think I was preparing myself. She declined those last few weeks and I knew it was coming. We kept her at home as comfy as we could. Being a nuse I gave her the pain meds thru injections. That last day----she took her last breath and I used the steth. to check for a heartbeat. One of the sadest things I have ever experienced. My mom did not have one. The nurse part kicked in and I got ahold of the funeral directer and even helped wrap her and get her on the cart for them to take her away. It was not til I got back to my house (a few blocks away) and had to tell my kids did I lose it. As for me-within 2 weeks I had been to the funeral home and made all the choices and picked the casket. I know my hubby and he would think he had to get an expensive one!! No WAY! I also saw the attorney and had new wills made for Tom and I, also POA and a living will. I have no problems with dieng. BUT I plan on living-to the fullest-until that day. I just know how hard it is for a family to do these nec. things right after a death, esp. the mom. I also wrote a letter telling Tom what bills had to be paid, when, and all the life ins. info and retirement papers. He never wants to discuss this with me so I just did it. He can just deal with the fact that I got the last word. Cindy
  2. So glad he is doing better. What a great pic, good memories-we never lose them, Cindy
  3. Cindy RN


    Love to hear good news like that! Thanks, Cindy
  4. Still here-just busy-I need to update on here soon. Love to all Cindy
  5. I have every 2-3 mos check ups, labs, CT scans etc with my oncologist. If i need something simple I cal the FP Dr. If I think it may have something to do with the ca I call the oncologist. The pulmonollogist and radiologist are in the past for now-no check ups with them or the surgeon. Cindy
  6. I still have problems in my feet and the cisplatin was given in 2001, 9 mos of it. The ringing in my ears let up after a month or two. Tell her to avoid tylenol, it also can cause the ringing if high doses are taken. The camptosar gave me the runs and I still have trouble with it. At least 2 x a week I still take imodium. Cindy
  7. I am so sorry-You will always have the memory of him being there on your special day. Cindy
  8. You have my number too. Please add me in. Great job you all are doin! Thanks! Cindy
  9. Dr Joe-I know from past experience there are a few on here that say things out of anger. I have been a nurse for 20 yrs and experienced mainly ER and ICU. I get lots of questions about the oncology part and I am at a lost. They get mad, like I was ignoring them. I have had to just realize that they-like me-are fighting for their lives and NEED to hear what they want to hear. Please come back, you have invaluable info! Cindy
  10. Cindy RN


    Well the results are in!! I have a brain that is empty!!! Just think a few years ago you would want to hit someone for saying that!! The nurse (she calls herself that) called and said they were neg. I did ask about a good migraine med and she said Excedrin migrain?? I had to call the radiology dept to make them fax a copy to the Dr off. THEN I called nurse Ratchett and told her it was being faxed right now. She then called a few min later. Sometimes you have to just take things into your own hands. Someday they will be the ones waiting for life threatening test results and they will get put on the back burner. My Dr has always been so good about this I can't believe he knew how long I had to wait. Oh well, I now need some ideas for migraines, never had them before now. I do have some compazine for the nausea-any suggestions?? Also thanks for those who were praying. God Is SOOOOOO Good and listens to our prayers. Love ya Cindy
  11. Just a quick note----God is SOOOOO Good-- The headaches are NOT cancer related. I just found out. Must be the stress of raising adult children! HA! I now need a good med for the migraines, never had them before-any suggestions? Cindy
  12. It does knock you over when it comes back especially if there were no signs. With me I never had any signs EVER! Please stay encouraged. I was in remission 1 year and then again for 17 months!! I even went back to work and am teaching 2 evening class a week at the local college. Prayers being said for you and your mom. Love Cindy
  13. Cindy RN


    Well I made it thru the MRI. Not as bad this time as last. I called the Dr office yesterday afternoon and I had forgotten they were off on Wed. So I called this am and some fill in nurse said "oh we will call you when we hear anything!' I hate it when I KNOW all she had to do was pull up the results on her stupid computer which is sitting right in front of her!! This is not the same nurse he had 4 yrs ago when this all first started. She left about a yr ago to work at the hospital! Oh well, patience, I need patience. I am just tired of so much pain meds for these headaches. Thanks for the response. Let you know when I do get results. Love Cindy
  14. Jen- I hate hearing how this is effecting you. I also do not like waiting for results. You would think they could tell you after the test is done! Sometimes I think they make us wait to see the Dr so they get paid for another office visit! I too, want to be able to tan and get out in the yard and work! NOPE! I have had to find new things to occupy my time. Scrapbooking is one thing I have found, I love it. It also is a way of preserving all those memories for my family. You WILL get thru this. You are a strong women and will find a way! I have misplaced your number, call if you want. Love Cindy
  15. Cindy RN


    I was not sure where to post this. I have been having headaches since just before Christmas. I did call the Dr today and am now schedualed for those AWFUL MRI scans. I hate the mask they put on my face!! I wanted to ask for prayer and let you know about the test tomorrow am. I will post again as soon as I find out whether I am still in the empty-headed club or not. Thanks, Cindy
  16. I had never heard of this --but a medical explanation could be: the body does react by pushing fluids out at the time of death. More than not do become incontinent of urine and stool at the time of death. Possably this is the fluid (tears) in the tear duct that is expelled. I don't have any other explanation, I would like to think tho it is their way of saying good bye as they leave this world for the next. Maybe it is a tear of joy for what they see as they leave. Cindy
  17. Cindy RN

    2000 for Fay

    Fay!!! Glad you are still with us. I remeber back when there was a few people on here and it's nice to see some of us still around!! Love!! Cindy
  18. Laurie-SO glad to see you!! I know the survivor guilt I am about to hit the 4 yr mark since diagnosis. I had a relapse during that time but still here. Keep posting-missin you. Cindy
  19. I hate that it has spread!! Nobody expects you NOT to be frightened. my mom died of mets to the brain and I always fear very headache is the beginning for me too. You keep your spirits up and keep us informed of treatment. Love Cindy
  20. I too, am so sorry. Yes you are too young to lose your mother. Please know we care. Love Cindy
  21. He is my prayers, as you have been. Please update us on his condition. Love Cindy
  22. I missed saying this to all who read this board. These last few years that I have been on here have been wonderful. All the new friends I have made and all the encouragement I have received from you all has been a true blessing. May you all have a blessed new year and a healthy and happy one. Love Cindy
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