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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. I posted this somewhere else the other day but I will post it again-I stopped the viox and went to celebrex until I no longer could afford it. I am now taking naproxen sodium (alieve) over the counter. I take 2 in the morning and 2 later in the evening and they have worked very well. I still have to take darvocett occ. because the arthritis in my wrists and other joints ache but all in all it has worked. And it is CHEAP!! Cindy
  2. I am so sorry about this big bump in the road. I have never seen anyone on here with sclc getting oral chemo when they have had a relapse. Now that does not mean it does not happen. Everyday something new pops up for cancer treatments. She needs to decide whether to cont. the trip or go home and go in to see the Dr. My prayers are with you . Love Cindy
  3. Cindy RN

    Daddy Update

    I am praising God. You and your dad seem so good together!! Be thankful, my dad left when I was 15 and I saw him 5-6 times before he died in 1991. Tell him to keep on fighting, he sounds like a great dad. Cindy
  4. Cindy RN


    Well I have sclc extensive and it was found in 2/01 I went thru 9 mos of chemo then 1 yr NED. Then 2/03 it returned-6 mos chemo and 6 weeks of radiation and tada!! Another 1 yr NED. Everyone is different. Just pray for long remission periods and make the best of day of them!! Congrats on the NED!! Love Cindy PS I did go back every 2 mos for CT's, I now am going every 3 mos. So he needs close follow up care.
  5. Cindy RN


    Well so far I have not heard anything about the biopsy. They did say it may take til Mon tho. wait wait wait wait!!!!!!! His hepatitis panel was all neg. So I guess the next step there will be an ultrasound. My job interview has been postponed AGAIN! The Dean is still sick, but I did find out I am the only one they called back so that sounds good. Thanks for all the support. Samantha seems to be adjusting here at home. Please pray she will turn back to God, she was raised a Christian and has been baptised but has turned her back on Him. Not in a mean way but more of a rebellious way. My son who was married last year is doing great!!!! They had to live at her parents house for a short while due to finances but are back out on there own-ALL are happy about that. Love you all!! Cindy
  6. I was on Viox until I broke my leg last Feb 2003. The ortho Dr said to switch to celebrex. Which was great my BP went back down and no swelling in the feet which were side effects of the viox. Well here lately money has gotten so tight I quit taking the celebrex and started on the Equate brand of Alieve. I think it is naproxen sodium. CHEEP!!! I take 2 in the am and 2 late in the evening and it is doing as well as the Celebrex. Cindy
  7. Cindy RN


    STABLE is such a good word. Cindy
  8. Karen as soon as the in-laws arrive take a long candle lit bath, rest and get to bed early. Next day SHOP!! I find I feel 100% better after shoping-usually its for others but still fun. (I have not done that for awhile-$$ issues ya know) Dave-you keep resting!!! You my friend are in the middle of these treatments and need all the rest you can get. Let the in-laws pamper and spoil the baby!! Love Cindy
  9. Thank you all!!! The song he sang is the final song in the last play he was in titled 'She Loves me" it was the play they took the movie 'You have mail' from, the one with Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks in it. The job interview had to moved til tomorrow. The Dean was sick So now I have to worry about that til then. Love Cindy
  10. Well Tom had his colonoscopy today. He did just fine. We live in a small town so most people around here have heard him sing either at different churches or the plays out at the college. SO while they had him drugged the nurses got him to sing to them I could not believe it, they said he was a little tipsy sounding-well I wonder why! The scope showed colitis and some malformations in the R colon, he biopsied them and we should hear back Fri or Mon. His liver panels are still high so if the hepatitis panel comes back normal then they will do an ultasound to rule out stuff. Waiting game again! My 18 yr old daughter has moved back in-what a blessing, she is still 3/4 full of attitude but she is home and in colege. So I will learn to deal with her differently I guess. I interview for the instructer position at the college tomorrow at 9:30. It is for 16 week courses, 2 evenings a week, teaching CNA's. I have never done this before but they will pay for the schooling I need which is just one week in Springfield IL. Wish me luck!! Love ya all, Cindy
  11. Cindy RN

    lung nodules

  12. Cindy RN

    Bad week

    Ginny-You deserve only good things from now on. Here is a little-I was offered a teaching job at our local college. Teaching CNA's-they are 16 week classes. I made up my mind to do it. You keep your chin up knowing you were the Dukes angel. Love you Cindy
  13. Cindy RN

    David P.

    David-First let me say this post to you is my 1,000th post-- wow you should feel priviledged!!!! You are such an insriration. Keep on Keeping on!! Cindy
  14. Bruce-I understand the need to get away for awhile. Please stop back in once in awhile. Cindy
  15. Sharon-this does not seem fair, I know. You hold on and we will pray for strength for you all. You all have gone thru so much. God Bless. Love Cindy
  16. Shelly--------I LOVE the pic. You look like I imagined! That is good. HA PLEASE put your cute little guys back on once in awhile, they always made me smile. Cindy
  17. Cindy RN

    Dave S Update

    Dave-we need you back. Get bettter soon. Cindy
  18. OH GREAT!!! One of the teens in our church youth group had that done and she would tell me every week what new sounds she had heard. Gravel under the car while they were driving, water running, the best was when she heard her moms voice for the first time. She it did not sound the way she thought it would! Cindy
  19. I hate hearing this. Know that I have you and your mom in my prayers. Cindy
  20. Cindy RN


    I was impressed with Phelps generosity. That is an example for al. Cindy
  21. Cindy RN

    prayers please

    Add me to those praying- Cindy
  22. So glad all is well. You have had enough to deal with . Cindy
  23. Glad you are back!! Also happy you are getting to the acceptance part of his death. You are correct we will all be in Heaven one day singing with the angels. Love Cindy
  24. My prayers are that his PAIN will go away!!!! It is so hard to watch our loved ones in pain Let us know how the tests go- Love Cindy
  25. Sharyn-Hope your mom is right and that he IS doing better. Lots of prayers being sent your way. Love Cindy
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