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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. He was a SUPERMAN in real life! Sorry to see him pass on. Cindy
  2. David, David, David! You win! With one lung your collpsed lung and broken ribs beats my broken leg last year! Get better soon! Cindy
  3. CONGRATS!!!!!!! I will soon have a 15 yr ann. Never thought I would see it either. Isn't life great! Cindy
  4. Yeah the numbers are stagerring!! sclc is only about 20% of all the lung cancers known. We are a small group with the fastest growing lung cancer there is. I just read about the amounts spent on different types of cancers --breast 13,000, prostate 10,000, colorectal 4,00 and LUNG 1,700. Thease are are all from based on per cancer death. HIV gets more than 18 billion for budget!! Al of these are awful but you would think there would be more spent on the cancers that kill the most. JMHO! I look up trials every once inawhile, so far, there are meds out there for me. Thank God! Good luck, Cindy
  5. Ginny-If anyone deserves the hall pass you do!! You go enjoy your time with your family and friends, and come back to us all refreshed! Love ya! Cindy
  6. Cindy RN

    I am Back!!

    Thanks so much!! I have been busy CLEANING! I got out the shampooer and it broke! I still had the receipt from Wallyworld and took it back. After assembaling it(1 hr) I used it then the foot peddle to release the handle broke! Guess what???? Yep I took it back! Those girls said they would pay me to go to their houses! Things are settling back to norm. As norm as possible around here. I had to testify at court today about some ex-tennants I have had in some apartments. Cool, just like Law and Order! My girls have to go in this afternoon and testify. It has to do with one of the tennants being present during a period of time that there was drug dealing going on there. YUK! These kids don't realize what this meth can do to them. I am spending time getting ready to teach-starts the 18th. God Bless, Cindy
  7. Cindy RN


    I will use this instead of travelocity!! Thanks, Cindy
  8. Cindy RN

    Scans :(

    Shar-I just read thru all of these POSITIVE posts, I have kept up with you on pm but have to add my 3 cents in. You are a fighter! You just need a few days to recoup and you WILL be able to go on!!!! I will be at 4 years since diagnosis of extensive sclc this coming Feb!!!!. I have had 1 relapse and am now 15 months from that last chemo!!! God has a plan for each of us. I have relied on Him to get me thru this and He led me to the right people and Drs to help. I have no idea if cancer will be the cause of my passing or old age or a bus hitting me! DO NOT GIVE up til you are sure you are ready and you have exhausted everything. I know there comes a time --and I think we all know our limits--when medicine does more to hurt than to help. You are in my prayers and please call. Love Cindy
  9. Don- you 2 mean so much, you have given so much. Congrats for being here for so long. Cindy
  10. Cindy RN

    I am Back!!

    I have had a busy 3 weeks! SPRINGFIELD-I was there for 1 whole quiet peaceful week. I had classes during the day and fun every evening! Monday nite I was introduced to a white russian drink. I am not a drinker but I found something that just is so good that I know what I will order when I do go out!! Tuesday I chilled in the room. Wed I think that was the day they had the shooting at the capital blding. My hotel was straight across the street from the armory at the capital so we had cops all over the hotel. Thurs we all went to a fancy seafood house-The Chesapeake House-wow-I had lobster AND crab and went back to the motel with a belly ache! Fri was the last day and I drove home TO A MESS!!!!!!! My house was a mess, I could not believe it!! My little pug had not had her face washed all week, pugs have so many wrinkles on their faces it is a daily chore, the goldfish-Jaws was still breathing at least. Saturday my 18 yr old was picked up for shoplifting. As if things could not get worse I was coughing up blood. I have dealt with Samantha AGAIN! I also called the Dr on Mon. He had me come in and get a CXR then a CT the next day. Miracle! Blood stopped and CT was NEG!!!! At least some good news. I plan on being here for Christmas AGAIN! Hubby is feeling better, he is on a new med for the liver and in a month will get the enzymes checked again. If they are still high then they will do a biopsy. I start teaching the 18TH!!! It is so ironic, I probably held the record for most days skipped my SR yr in HS!! My other daughter Vicky has ended a 5 yr relationship and is totally sick, she flew out to my sisters in Utah for a few weeks, change of scenary may do her good. He has called her several times to see when she is coming home, I think she tells him never! These are the days of my life. Love it or hate I live it. Missed you all, catch me up if you want with a pm. Love ya! Cindy
  11. Congrats Sandy!! You never cease to amaze me! Cindy
  12. Lawers are a PAIN! I know my sister is ONE! Ha! There will be a huge class action suit soon and we will all be contacted if you have used it I am sure. Those lawers will make a fortune and we will get back what we paid for the meds. What a joke! Cindy
  13. I was diagnosed Feb. 2001, which is 3 yrs and 9 mos!! I have had one relapse during that time but am 1 yr and 2 months since last chemo---yeah! There are some long term survivors. Don't always believe the stats. Cindy
  14. I took the vioxx for about 1 yr and when I broke my leg in 2/03 they switched me to celebrex. I did have a hard time with the vioxx anyway! I had bad edema in my ankles, and my B/P went up, I wason B/P meds, and water pills the whole time I was on vioxx. After I started the celebrex I was fine, off the water pills and B/P meds/ Now I am wondering about the pericardial effusion??? Any link to the 50 mg a day I took for so long?? Will have to wait and see. Cindy
  15. AMEN!!!! I so agree with the need to laugh instead of crying-tho a few of your stories brought tears! The first time mine came out I went to the beauty shop to have them wash it really good. It would of plugged up my drain at home. I could see the mass of hair she was pulling out and tears started slowly. My beautician kept wiping them with a towel. After she was done she took me to the back to give me a moment. That was all it took. I never cried again. She cut it short, and I loved it. I always had very long hair. I later went totally bald. I had a few wigs BUT-------- I found later I liked scarves better. I went to Walmart and bought several different types and styles of seasonal material and cut them to fit. I have lots of dog ones-DUH! none with pugs on them tho. I have always said when I did not have hair people were nicer. They let you at the front of the lines at stores, they hold doors, etc. Cancer can either do you in at the diagnosis or you can live everyday and enjoy it and the cancer comes second! Love ya Cindy
  16. Cindy RN

    Dean Carl~

    I just got on today and saw this. DEAN, I miss seeing you on here. You are still in our prayers. Keep on keepin on! Love Cindy
  17. CAMPTOSAR-it has been used for extensive sclc for a about 4-5 yrs now. I know much of what you read tells about the colon use tho. It was used in a study in Japan and the success rate was so GOOD they stopped testing and used it. Then here in the US they 'fast tracked' it for approval on sclc. My first go around with the ca was with cisplatin and camptosar for 9 mos. The second time it relapsed I had carboplatin and vp-16 for 6 mos. I am still here -now 3 yrs 9 mos since diagnosis. Good luck!! Cindy
  18. Jen-I think I told you before I opted not to have it done. Several reasons but the main one was I wanted to return to work (which I am!!!) and I did not want the memory loss problem. I always figured if it spread there we would do it then. Just my humble opinion. Cindy
  19. I too am so sorry God Bless, Cindy
  20. FAY!!!!!!!! How many times do I have tell you --YOU are so special! You and I have been on here since the cavemen were around! You have done so much for so many here including me. If you can make one person smile everyday then you have done something special. Love you and I DO care!!! Cindy
  21. Renee-I am so sorry to read this. I have gone for several days. Please know that the way he passed is how those of us with LC pray that we go the same way. My husband next to me. God Bless, Cindy
  22. I am glad to see you are all ok. Remember property damage can always be repaired. You all are survivors!! Cindy
  23. White Oaks Mall?????? Guess I need to take extra money No stun gun-tho after we talked I did ask for one! I like the pug shaped ones-wonder why? Love ya all. Love Cindy
  24. I am leaving Sunday after church for Springfield for my training classes. I will be back here in Robinson on Fri night. I have never stayed in a hotel that long by myself. I guess I can move the chair in front of the door. You all have a good week-I will check in when I get back!! Love Cindy
  25. Amen to what Fay said!! I have gotten on here and walked away feeling 100% better. So many here are like family and I would be so lost if this site did not exist!! I am so sorry for this person causing so many problems for those who are already struggling. I agree they must be hurting so badly they have to take their anger out --I suggest he/she get a punching bag! Cindy
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