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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. Kitty-I am so sorry it has come to this. Try and be supportive and positive around him, talk and sit and be still with him. Spend this time showing the love you all have for each other. May God bless you as you and yours go thru this. Love Cindy
  2. Hang in there!!!!!!! First off you were the age I was when my mom was diagnosed-mom was 58 when she died. That has been TEN years ago and many new treatments have come along. She had nsclc. I my self was diagnosed with extensive (spread to different organs) sclc back in 2/01 it is now 3 yrs 6 mos. ago and I am doing very well. I was 44 at the time of diagnosis. You do everything you can to get the Dr to keep on top of things, write down questions BEFORE the Dr visits and if he doesn't have time for them---FIND A NEW DR. If your mom is going to fight this she needs to stay positive-as should you. There lots of us out here with good track records. God has blessed me-I think to keep nagging others on here. Whatever the reason, make yourself at home and use the pm to contact anyone with questions. Love Cindy
  3. You have had a rough year. I remember hating the dirt on top of moms grave. That winter I had a grave blanket-made of pine tree limbs with red ribbon wooven in it. It was so pretty with the snow. I have done it every winter since then. Cindy
  4. I'll make you all sick! I LIVE in a town that has a Hersheys plant!!!!!!! Hershey bought the factory from Leaf several yrs ago who bought the plant from Heath Candy several years before that. I actually live in the sweetest smelling town in the country. I have friends who work there that 1 time a week they can get candy from the company store for almost nothing. I keep those friends close by! Cindy
  5. Good Morning I am so glad you are here-your daughter has been around for awhile. I too have SCLC and it is extensive-BUT I was diagnosed in 2/01 and am still doing pretty good. Actually REALLY good. I am blessed with this last year of remission. You will find everyone on here is in the same boat and we help each other. Again glad you popped in. Cindy
  6. Glad you are back!! Prayers that you will soon be running marathons! Cindy
  7. Pam-I am so sorry. I am glad you able to get home tho. Also sorry about your young friend. Prayers are with you. Love Cindy
  8. What a wonderful obit. He would be so proud of how you all are doing right now. Love Cindy
  9. All you Floridians-GLAD TO SEE YOU ON HERE!! Prayers were answered. Love Cindy
  10. You deserve to celebrate!! I too will turn 48 (God willing) in Oct and I plan on celebrating. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Cindy
  11. These computers can be such a pain!! I went thru puteritis for several weeks til we gave up and got a dell dude! Glad you are back, Cindy
  12. On my knees bowing to her feet. Cindy
  13. Take those steroids as ordered!! Get the Dr to start you on a B/P med, that is awfully high!! My prayers are with you about the possiblemets, I would still go on the trip if able. Love Cindy
  14. SO HAPPY TO SEE YOUR NAME!! My prayers are with you. 50% odds are good. You have stayed so positive so far-keep it up. Love Cindy
  15. Oh Ginny, I have no words. You have been here for so many of us and we have followed the Dukes journey with you. It's as if we knew him. YOU my friend have been the perfect caregiver. The Duke is now singing with the angels. ALL MY LOVE AND PRAYERS TO YOU. Cindy
  16. I am So sorry!! I agree, call the Dr and switch meds or get an apt with a pain control clinic. Cindy
  17. Cindy RN

    Asking for prayers

    I know how he feels. I start a project like organizing pics, closets, legal papers etc. I do this so the family won't have to do this after I am gone I am now on an anti-depressant celexa and it has helped. I still have to have projects to keep me busy, church act, a benevolence agency I work with weekly. Maybe there is something he can do. I write lots of cards to the ones who are ill in our church-etc. Is he a member of a VFW, Moose, Elks club?? They always need people to help with vol. projects. I will pray for him and your family. He needs to feel needed. Love Cindy
  18. Betty, I hate hearing this,BUT it sounds like it was found early and I will pray the 10 rads will shrink it into oblivian!! Love Cindy
  19. I am so sorry for the loss of your mother. I lost mine in 1994-10 yrs ago to nsclc. Love Cindy
  20. Cindy RN


    FRANK!! You and I must be the only sane drivers! Cindy
  21. Love the blonde jokes!! I used to a natural blonde, then went lite brown then went bald then blonde and gray then bald and now mostly gray with some blonde. So any hair jokes are good jokes. Cindy
  22. Checkin in to see how the surgery went???? Cindy
  23. Stay safe-I rode out a few hurricanes when I was living in Jacksonville, and then several up in VA Beach. Never any real damage just terrific memories-inside safe shelters! Good luck, Cindy
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