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Kel M

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Everything posted by Kel M

  1. My sincerest sympathies to you all. Kel
  2. Kel M

    Pet loss...

    My sympathies to you and your family. The loss of a pet is very difficult, and particularly when it comes on the heels of the loss of a loved one. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Kel
  3. Kel M


    Hi, I've read that it is quite normal for a person who has lost a loved one to an illness to become slightly paranoid about getting the same disease. In fact, it's a part of grieving that usually fades with time, according to the experts. Last week, for reasons completely unrelated to cancer, I had to get a chest x-ray. I must admit, that for just a moment I was paralyzed. A chest x-ray is no longer just a chest x-ray. It's what foretold of Mom's illness and ultimately, death. I thought I handled things pretty well until I got into the room and the technician started to instruct me on how to position my arms - and all I could think about was my tiny Mom, having to do the same thing, time and again. I just about bolted. I'll hear about the results of this, and an ECG next Wednesday. While I suspect all is well, it has brought a flood of painful memories back. I wish each and everyone of you a good day. Kel
  4. Hi Cindi, I'm sending you lots of positive vibes for good results. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Kel
  5. Deb, Sending big prayers your Mom's way. She's very lucky to have such a supportive daughter. My thoughts are with you both. Kel
  6. Congratulations, Katie!!! A terrific milestone, for a terrific person who cares so much! Thanks for everything you and Rick do! Kel
  7. Congratulations, Ann. Thanks, too. Kel
  8. Double-posted. Sorry.
  9. Sue, My deepest sympathies to you and your family. Kel
  10. Kel M

    Fay A. Passed on

    My deepest sympathies to Fay's family and friends. Kel
  11. Keep feeling better Rich. Kel
  12. Prayers for Rich. Feel better soon. Kel
  13. Kel M

    Dad went to heaven

    Please accept my sympathies on the loss of your Dad. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Kel
  14. My deepest sympathies on the loss of your Dad. Peace be with you and your family. Kel
  15. Please accept my sympathies. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Kel
  16. I'm very, very sorry to read this. Jen fought like a champion and will be missed. My deepest sympathies to you and your family. Kel
  17. My deepest sympathies to you and your family. Kel
  18. Kel M


    Sorry to read of your illness, though I'm glad to read about your rebound. Keep feeling better! Kel
  19. My deepest sympathies to you and your family. Peace be with you all. Kel
  20. Erin, My deepest sympathies to you and your family on the loss of your Mom. Your post tells of the wonderful relationship you shared. Kel
  21. Congratulations Cindy on a terrific 5 year milestone!!! Wishing you my very best. Kel
  22. Prayers for TAnn. I've read her posts faithfully and wish her the very best - prayers for her and her family. Kel
  23. My thoughts and prayers are with Fay and her family. God bless. Kel
  24. Pam, Please accept my deepest sympathies on the loss of Joel. You and your family are in my prayers. Kel
  25. Jackie, Welcome to the LCSC. I'm sorry it had to be because of the loss of your Dad. Your love for him shines through your posting - I'm positive he must have been very proud of you. Lean on us for support. All my best, Kel
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