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please pray...


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Ok, Its my turn....

Moms follow up Brain Scan is set for Monday 7/7 in the morning. This one will tell us if the full head radiation worked or not on the 3 brain mets she had (notice I used the word had and not has positive thinking there)

Please, please, please pray that they come out clean so that she will have a new will to continue to fight and take her last chemo next Wednesday. I am afraid if they dont come out clean, she wont go through with the last chemo.


I appreciate any mention for her in your prayers for your own loved ones.

thank you so very much

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Dear Shelly,

I am sending prayers for your Mother from my hotel room in Pittsburgh. Try to have a happy and fun weekend. I hope your Mom's scans are fine and that after her chemo on Wednesday, she'll get some much deserved R&R.

Thinking of you both,


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Well they did the test yesturday, but as the story goes, the onc. was not there yesturday or today. I asked could another onc. read it, but my mom wanted her onc. because she likes him. So we go tomorrow at noon (wednesday) and get the results as well as the lst chemo (we hope) before a break. Ada gave mea thought that maybe all the leg and arm pain could be arthritis. Guess I am wishing it is that. who knows, I was thinking more mets to bones, but now I am praying its either the chemo side effect (althought were 4 weeks from last chemo) or that it is arthritis.

wither way tomorrow is the day. so if you could all pray for one more day for her. I would be so very grateful.

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Dear Shellie

Will be aggresively hard and loud for your Mom. I think I will use my special, "Hi God its Bess and I am serious about this one", prayer, sometimes he listens to those! He had better, your mom and you deserve some damn good news! Please keep us posted soon as you find out. You are always in my thoughts and prayers girl. You have such spirit and are such a good daughter, your mom is blessed by having you and I think she knows that. I never saw anyone who tried harder, you touch my heart with your postings and all you do. You have such a big heart. You are one special lady.

Bess B

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