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I'm here--an update of sorts

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I'm finally here with Mom, and I'm so glad. It's been an exhausting week leaving my husband back home as he got ready for a month or so away from home as well, and getting here with Carolyn and settling in... Mom is really having a hard time. And she's very discouraged. She is just hoping to find some good days, and instead they just seem to get worse for her. She does LOVE having her grandbaby nearby. She sees the doctor again Monday and should get round 2 of Alimta then too.

Mom is having a hard time too because she's not strong enough to hold Carolyn and she wants too. I offer her for sleepy snuggle time, and even that is hard but doable sometimes... But it cheers her some to just have her nearby. Even with that, she is so discouraged that I just ache for her. We need some good news, and a few good days wouldn't hurt either.

Anyway, keep us in your prayers if you would. It's hard here... and I don't know yet if it is just normal hard.

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Oh, Val and Carolyn and Val's mom,

it is wonderful that you are together.

Just immerse yourself in that closeness.

We will pray for good news and good days.

Being a grandma is so wonderful it is impossible to describe.........especially on Mother's Day.

I am so sorry for your sadness and worry, but know you will be able to find a blessing in being together.

Lots of love

Pat and Brian

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Oh, Val, I'm so sorry your mom is having such a hard time. I pray that she will start having some good days very soon.

I am thrilled that she can at least cuddle a little bit with that precious beautiful daughter of yours. I was able to get a precious visual picture of that happening and it really warmed my heart. I can just see your mom smiling. How sweet!



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I'm so sorry that your Mom is having such a rough time of it. It's so hard to watch and you feel so helpless. Prayers that your Mom has some good days and really soon. In the meantime, please know that you are doing your best for her and how much she is loving her beautiful granddaughter.

Gail p-m

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Do you happen to have a Boppy? Maybe that could help your mom hold her little granddaughter? I saw one out of the package at a recent baby shower, they're used to help Mom with breast feeding, holding the baby up during floor time, etc. I'm wondering if one could be used in conjunction with an easy chair or couch arm to help someone with less arm strength to snuggle a new little miracle...

I'm sure that you and the new one being there is a recharge for your mom's spirit. What a good time for an infusion of that kinda love!

Here's to better days!


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Hi Val,

You gave your mom the best mothers day gift. To be with her daughter and grandaughter.

I am so sorry that she still is not feeling well and doesn't seem to be getting stronger.

I pray for healing and strength for her. Please enjoy your stay with her, as she will have so many nice memories to think about when you go home. I know for her just seeing her grandaughter has helped her mentally.

Hang in there. Prayers going out to your mom.


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