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Gimme a transfusion...but hold the vanilla vodka!


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I had an interesting weekend, so far. Friday, had an appointment to see my onc to go over results of my last brain MRI. All was well on that score...nothing showed up that wasn't "a normal part of the aging process" and that one little 3 mm. spot from before was smaller, less distinct and "nothing to worry about".

I showed up, having had a rather persistent bloody nose that morning that I thought was the coumadin. They ran my bloodwork....and the nurse said she ran it again because she thought the machine had made a mistake. :shock:

Here goes: Counts as of April 25th and Friday

  • WBCs 23.3 (range used: 4.5 - 10.0) - now 2.5
    RBCs 2.59 (range: 4.50 - 5.90) - now 1.95
    HGB 8.6 (range: 13.5 - 17.0) - now 6.0
    HCT 25.8 (range: 41.0 - 53.0) - now 19.5
    Platelets: 491 (range: 150-350) - now 12!!!

They were sort of surprised that I wasn't face down on the floor! But other than being a bit tired lately....I haven't felt any different, really! When the hemoglobin drops below 8.0, they generally send you for a transfusion. I had to wait for a chair upstairs on the oncology floor where they do the transfusions...and by the time I got up there....my HGB had dropped further to 5.6.

They sent me up in a wheelchair because I'm sure they figured the walk - even to the elevator - was more than I could handle!! Doesn't look good to have people passing out in the halls of a hospital, you know? :roll: But heck...I'd walked in on my own steam...

Anyway....twelve hours I was there on Friday :? ...between my onc's office - waiting - and getting the transfusions, and waiting up there. I got blood and platelets and then had to go back yesterday for more blood. But I tolerated it so well that the 2.5 hr. infusion of Saturday morphed into only 1.5 hours. I got sprung early, minimizing the amount of hospital food it was necessary to eat and thereby saving my gut from another gastric disaster like the one that had me up in the middle of the night Friday. :wink:

Oh...and yesterday morning the cyst/staph infection on my leg that WON'T heal (thanks to chemo and suppressed immunity) started to go into the lymph nodes. My first clue was a thigh with a huge swollen lump on it! :roll: I'm now on antibiotics for that.

Came home to a huge box on the porch...a new, funky robe from my "cyberteam" of support.....14 friends who are the greatest!! They all decorated a yellow fabric hardhat (remember, the hardhat is one of my symbols of this fight against cancer?)...that one gal then sewed onto a bubblegum pink fleece robe she made. It's SO 1950's I just love it!! :D

Anyway....far as transfusions go.....these three weren't bad....but I much prefer the ones with grape juice, ginger ale and vanilla vodka....ya know? 8)

I've got two more cycles of chemo to go. You can bet the ranch on the fact that I will schedule bloodwork after both...even IF the onc doesn't require it!!

I'm not ready to run a marathon yet...but I'm no longer a tad weak in the knees AND my nose stopped bleeding a long time ago! Strange feeling though...since this was my very first transfusion...to think someone else's blood and platelets are coursing thru my body. Today, I'm not just grateful for mothers....but for blood donors, too!

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Oh my, Addie!!!!

Your weekend so far has been nothing short of incredible! I sure hope you are not planning to try to top that today!

So glad everything turned out so well. I bet just EVERYONE was surprised at those numbers! Hope you continue feeling better - getting stronger day by day!

Now lay low a little - no more excitement - at least for a while :lol: .


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Wow, Addie!

You are a champion...nothing short of it.

I just love your new robe! Way too cool!

yes. regarding the blood. I don't remember being so grateful for anything in my life. This is a sign of true altruism. I don't know if the donators know exactly what it means when they donate their blood and how grateful we are for it...! They actually save our lives.

Glad you are getting back on track Addie. Prayers that infection will get cleared up pronto. Now. let's get that drinkie poo all ready for you.

Cindi o'h

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You have been through the ringer this weekend, but sounds like you are back on track, thank goodness. How many more treatments are you scheduled for? I hope you are getting near the finish line.....

Your continued strength continues to inspire me...


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Lisa...I always knew you were a good woman! 8)

Funny aside...and just to clarify for those who've NOT heard me say this before...but my drink of choice (when I drink, and aside from a long time love of Margaritas) is actually called a Transfusion!! At least in the East. Vodka, grape juice, splash of ginger ale. My personal twist on it, is to use vanilla vodka.

Out West...it's called a vodka cooler.....but here, a Transfusion. Pretty comical, eh? I look forward to a fully healthy liver when chemo is done....so I can have the kind of transfusion that doesn't require a port! :?

Had a check on bloodwork today and the #'s are coming up just fine. Platelets up from 12 to 62, and HGB up from 5.6 to 8.7 - above the danger level of 8.0. Will go back for another check on Thursday.

Oh....and my onc is cutting my chemo from 12 mgs. to 9 mgs., and four days to three days....so this doesn't happen again. He assures me we'll still be giving the cancer a good whack...but won't risk my counts tanking this drastically again.

I actually had the energy yesterday to scrub the kitchen floor! On Mother's Day, no less! :shock: Told my onc I was like the guy who didn't know he was a drunk till he sobered up!! :D I didn't know I was out of energy, until I had a surge that had me grabbing the mop...you know?

Anyway....I'm doing fine....no more wobbly knees and it's even sorta warm out today! Wishing everyone else a good, sunshiny day!

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What a weekend you had! Those were some counts you had! Glad to hear that the transfusions have done the trick and that you are feeling perkier.

Here's to hoping that the remaining chemo treaments go well for you. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Hope you have a quiet week.


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What a weekend you had! Those were some counts you had! Glad to hear that the transfusions have done the trick and that you are feeling perkier.

Here's to hoping that the remaining chemo treaments go well for you. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Hope you have a quiet week.


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