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Lung surgery update


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Ken had his lobectomy last Monday. The initial surgery was fine. However, he only got out of ICU for about 12 hrs. On Weds. they put him back because his oxy. sat. rate was so poor. Did a spiral ct scan that showed some pneumonia. Good news was he did not have a PE like they thought he did. He was on forced oxy. for several days which was really awful. They finally transfered him out of ICU yesterday. He is now on nose oxy and doing well. The only problem now is that he has a hole in his lung that is leaking. He still has a chest tube and they are waiting to decide whether to go in and surgically repair it. They were supposed to decide today, but then the PA this morning said maybe they would wait till Monday to decide. I came home to go to work today, but will go back to Tampa tonight.

Has anyone had a "hole" like this after a lobectomy? What did your doctors do? All this waiting aroung is driving us crazy, he would just like them to fix it and get it over with. I don't know if this is something to worry about or not. Not like we don't have enough to worry about already. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.

Karen H

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Hi Karen: I have never heard of a hole in the lung complication associated with a lobectomy. I think they staple the remaining lobe after lobectomy to seal it. Maybe one of the staples failed? Dunno just geussing. I guess if I was told I had a hole in my lung and the medical people told me that they were waiting to decide what to do, I would become very insistent that it be fixed immediately. I guess I don't know if it is something to worry about either. At the very least, I would expect a detailed briefing from the surgeon.

Don M

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Hi Karen,

Never heard of that either.

Sorry I cannot help you there.

I pray he gets better real soon and can go home. He will feel so much better being in his own home.

take care


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Thanks everyone, just a quick update. He had surgery last Friday to repair the leaks (2), they had to sew, staple and glue them. Said his lungs were like tissue paper. Well, they closed him up and lo and behold, another leak!!! We are agsin in the wait and see stage. He is still on suction with the chest tube. We just have no idea what is next. He has been in the hospital for over 2 weeks now. I do not have access to a computer over there so haven't been able to keep up. I hope everyone is doing OK, I still keep everyone in my prayers.


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Hi Karen,

Poor guy having such a hard time. I feel for you both. Its been one thing after another. Hopefully, when then fix this new leak, that he will be feeling better and able to go home.

Sending prayers,


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I read the written surgery report on my lobectomy. It was clearly noted that the doc pressurized my lungs and checked for leaks prior to closing. Even counted tools and such. There probably is not a written report yet, but it's something you can ask for. In fact, with all these problems, I would ask for all the written reports.

I was having trouble breathing after surgery and the docs had my wife bring my CPAP machine from home. That puts quite a bit of pressure on the lungs, so I guess they were confident that there would be no leaks. I can't imagine having a lobectomy and then being opened up again immediately following surgery. He's going to be mighty sore for awhile.

Prayers and good thoughts...


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