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Mom's Parade into Heaven... "A celebration of Life..


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Didn't know exactly where to post this under as it is about my mom, Helen who we buried last Thursday. But I said we had a "celebration of life" in her honor.

She was an extremely, honest, uplifting, life of the party person. She had more energy when she was younger than the Energizer Bunny. She was a dancer. At all affairs, she was the first one dancing and the last one sitting. She tired everyone out. She was known througout the family (cousins, Aunts, Uncles) as the dancer.

My dad adored her and called her his "sugar plum" and wrote her poems for every occasion. But as extroverted as my mom was my dad was the opposite, very quiet laid back gentleman, but also knew a lot of things, was very knowledgeable. He would sit back and watch my mom dance and have a good time. He loved it, and was not jealous one bit. He loved watching her.

She was also said what was on her mind. She was never imitimated. But sometimes, that got her into a little trouble. She was a little blond pistol.

My dad left us on Feb. 13, 1999 he was 91, my mom danced her way to him, on June 28th. age 94... bless her heart!! They were married 65 years....

My nice Terri, my moms grandaughter, is pregnant and lives in Fla. She had a miscarriage with her first pregnacy. While she is doing great with this one, the doctor does not want her to travel. But she almost did but we talked her out of it. She really loved my mom and it broke her heart not to be there.

My mom had 3 children, 7 grandchildren and 4 1/2 great-grandchildren. Me, bro, & my sister, were all there with mom in the end. She passed so peaceful, she just stopped breathing. At that point was all felt his brush of cold air pass through us and we looked up and blew kisses, as we knew she was happy and dad was waiting for her.

Well, that is just a brief background about my mom.

What I want to share with you is a poem her grandaugter wrote for her. Since she could not attend the "celebration" she emailed the poem to my brother (her dad) who was staying at my house, and he read it at her "celebration"

Here it is, and yes it is my mom.

*A Parade into Heaven*

Raise the curtain, sound the trumpets and cue up the marching band!

Helen & Dave stand cheek to cheek at the gates of heaven, hand in hand

Blondie has arrived to shake things up, she’ll have you smiling from ear to ear

A new angel’s in town with her dancing shoes on, so grab some champagne and cheer!

She’ll do the can can, the cha cha, or give a shimmy and a shake

And she’ll do the knobby knee wiggle ….all her own

She’ll lead the dance until the sun comes up

Even at 94 and with a bum hip bone!

Standing 4 ft 2 with eyes of blue

& a smile that lights up the sky

Blondie will tell you her words of wisdom

With love in her heart and a twinkle in her eye

With a fan in her hand (and under her skirt)

And a whistle that will make birds sing

She’ll make her chicken soup on a “cooking showâ€

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Just beautiful. It was all said so I had a picture of you're Mom all the way through it. What a charmer she was. Mom and Dad together again ... Wow How wonderful for them. Smile when you think of that and as was said ahead of me be thankful for all the wonderful years you had with them both.

God Bless You,


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I just love it when people have such wonderful memories of their loved ones. Just think how happy your mom would be knowing how you are now bragging about how wonderful she was. She must be smiling from ear to ear. It really touches me when I see how profoundly one life affected so many others.

God bless you!



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How fortunate you were to have such a wonderful pair of parents! Your description of your mom brought a amile on my face. I'm sure your dad is so thrilled to have her by his side once again.

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