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Lung Cancer Notebooks


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LCSC has the opportunity to work with the Lance Armstrong Foundation to obtain a large quantity of Cancer Survivorship Notebooks for our members here.

Would anyone be interested in this? You would pay for only the shipping, LCSC would provide them to you for free.

Below is a description,

Notebook is designed to organize and guide your cancer experience. The portable, three-ring binder contains a variety of information covering a full range of physical, emotional and practical survivorship topics.

The Survivorship Notebook contains a core set of topics such as Aftereffects of Cancer Treatment, Living With Uncertainty and Communicating With Your Health Care Team.

The notebook also includes stories of cancer survivors talking about their experiences with cancer and three survivorship tools to help you keep track of important information.

The Notebook includes sections for you to add your own records, notes, pamphlets and information from your health care providers.

Because the Notebook is portable, you can take it with you to health care appointments and other important meetings.

Let us know.

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Thanks, Thanks, Thanks!!!!

YES! I would love to get one for my husband. I just spent many hours today working on his 3-ring binder of his current medical records for a new doctor to look at. That would be of great help as we are just beginning all this with LC.

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We don't have them yet, but I just checked shipping per binder is:

9.85 USPS Priority mail (this can vary alittle depending on where you are in the country)

The binders are full of fantastic inserts and the total package weight is 5 lbs (heavy), that is why the shipping is so high per binder.

We will let you know when they arrive. We will not be adding any "handling" charges (LCSC will pay Lance Armstrong Foundation for the bulk handling charge)-

These will just cost you actual shipping as these are something we think is worth having and that you guys should have.

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