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After multiple tests - not pneumonia


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My Mom has been having an increasingly hard time breathing. She was admitted to the hospital on Tuesday evening. After multiple tests and x-rays it turns out that my Mom actually has progression of disease. Apparently, this form of cancer is pretty agressive so that explains her quick, downward spiral. The doctors say that the cancer has built up an immunity to the Tarceva. They do think that considering her stage of NSCLC, that the Tarceva really did work well for quite a long time.

My brothers met with the oncologist, hospice and social services with my Mom today (I am out of state or I'd have been there). They recommend assisted living. My Mom has always said she didn't want to go into a facility. Thankfully, my brothers insisted that she be permitted to go home with assisted care. They stood up and said that money is not the issue here - giving my Mom the ability to stay in her own home is more important. I'm so proud of them for pushing the issue and insisting that we fulfill what she wants.

This is so hard - I'm tired of this disease and all that it has taken from me. I'm going to go see her but I'm the biggest emotional wimp when it comes to my Mom - and I don't know how I will find the strength to go home to say goodbye.

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Dear Kerry,

So sorry to hear about your dear mother. From reading your Signature I can certainly see that you must have had your fill of this LC. So many family members over the past 5 years can certainly take a toll on one.

My thoughts and prayers are with you now. Keep us all posted on how things go for you.



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I'm sorry to hear about your mother...it must be so hard when you've already seen so many others thru it. I know, in the case of my FIL, I get SO angry at this illness ~ how hard our loved ones fight! Sometimes, my anger keeps me from being able to simply be "there" for him...I get afraid of just losing it. (I have had a couple of "meltdowns" when we go visit, but, hey...that's what showers are for :wink: )

I know, at this time, advice probably doesn't really offer much comfort. But, I can certainly send MANY prayers for comfort to you, and your family.

Hang in there, and try to enjoy your visit.

~ Stacey

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Hi Kerry,

This is so hard for you, but hang in there and just be there for her. That is the best medicine, having her kids around her.

I am so sorry that there is so much history in your family from this dreaded disease. Please make sure you and your brothers get CT scans taken just for a precaution if you smoke or don't smoke. As I personally feel, that DNA has something to do with this disease.

I pray you mom will be comfortable, and stay strong for her.

We are always here for you. You can use our shoulders to lean on or cry on.


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oh Kerry,

Very sorry that this is what is going on with your Mom. Mom's with cancer is bad enough and to be separated by distance just seems to add to the misery. I know what a helpless feeling this is. Take Val up on her offer...(Treebywater) She is a young woman with a great deal of wisdom and a huge heart!

Just wish this weren't happening.

Cindi o'h

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I was so sorry to read your post. I know you initially thought your mom had pneumonia and that can be dealt with. I believe my father is nearing where your mother is at and I am a long distance away and considering a leave of absence from work. Believe me, I know how hard it is. I'm so sorry.

Sending prayers and hugs your way.

gail p-m

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Kerry, I'm so very sorry to hear that your mom isn't doing well. I know how very hard this must be for you and your brothers. Thank goodness they are cooperative and attentive to your mom. It sounds like you guys make a wonderful support team for her. I think it is great that she will be staying home. I know that would be my wishes. I hope your visit with your mom is filled with only good times and that you make a lot of wonderful memories together! Remembering your mom in my prayers.

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Very sorry to hear you mom is not doing well. What a blessing to have sons to take care of her and see she gets her wishes fulfilled. there is not a thing wrong with being emotional. it would be strange if you did NOT feel grief and sadness about your mom. Don't be too hard on yourself. Children that love and appreciate their parents are a wonderful gift. Your mom feels very blessed. Praying for her and your whole family. pammie

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oh kerrie, here we were so relieved to find out it was pneumonia.... only to have the other shoe drop huh? I am so sorry you are dealing with all of this especially from a distance. When you do get to go see Mom, you will be surprised how strong you really can be..you will be there for her every step of the way and she will be forever grateful for the love and strength you show her. I am praying so hard for your entire family.

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