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2000 for Maryanne

Don Wood

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Maryanne has just posted her 2000th! Congratulations, Maryanne. You have given so much support, wiseness and humor in the 10 plus months you have been on the site. Maryanne's husband is a year survivor and still going strong -- yea! Thanks for being here for all of us. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Don

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Hi all my family at LCSC,

Leave it to you Don to be on the ball with the counts. I had no idea I was that close. And for it to come on Thanksgiving... wow what a surprise. :D

Thanks all for all your heart warming comments. It feels good to hear feedback like that.

This made me emotional, so actually I don't know what to say for once. :roll:

But thanks, I do love you all!! Especially for all your support all these months for Joel.

This Thanksgivging was a milestone for us. As last year Joel was diagnoised with LC and we told eveyone at Thanksgiving dinner since everyone was together. It was so sad and we were so scared.

Well, what a difference a year makes. Yesterday everyone toasted to Joel for being NED. It was a very touching moment.

So that makes it even more special that my 2000 post come on that wonderful day.

Maryanne :wink:

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This would be a much quieter, much lonelier, less comforting board without you! So glad you have sat down to talk to all of us more than 2000 times! I know you think about us evern more.

Love you and so glad you and Joel are our friends. This really is one of the happiest Thanksgivings I've had in a long time.


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