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Getting to Know You....December 19


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Besides all the Christimas's we had here through- out the years, they were all great, full of both our families and friends. Then my niece took it over about 5 years ago,

But last Xmas was the memorable for me. As Joel came home from the hospital from his lung operation on the 21st. I was so busy spending time at the hospital that putting up the tree was not an option. Joel always put it together for me, and I would do the rest.

Well, while I was at the hospital, my daughter was in from North Jersey with her boyfried at the time, and my son came over to the house, they went into the attic and brought the tree down. They put it up with all the lights.

When I came home I was so surprised, I had no idea. They had all the ornaments waiting for me to put on the tree. We all decorated together. When Joel came home the look on his face was Priceless!

Christmas day, we had company that just showed up and brought food and goodies. It was awesome and very very special.

I mentioned in another post that our tradition on Xmas eve was that, me, Joel and the kids go out to dinner. And since we couldn't do that, the kids ordered dinner for a local restaurant, picked it up and served it here for us. PRICELESS!!

Thanks for this post Ann, brought back all those memories from last year. This year Joel is doing great and we are back to our usual Christmas's.

Maryanne :wink:

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Like Maryanne, I have tons of great memories of happy Christmas times when my boys were little and Dennis was healthy. All of those times were wonderful but the one Christmas that really stands out in my mind happened when I was a child. We lived out in the country and it was quite a trip for us to go into the big city of Knoxville. My dad had been laid off from work and my mom was a school teacher. We had just barely been getting by on her salary alone. She was pain once a month so we had to wait until she was paid to buy any Christmas gifts from a store. My mom got paid and right after school we headed off to do Christmas shopping. It started snowing like crazy so we couldn't get very far. My mom had to buy me a dress at a fairly expensive little shop. That dress was all I got that Christmas but how I loved it! Our trip back home in the snow was treacherous, to say the least. It was that year that I learned the best thing about Christmas is having your family together, safe and sound. It snowed all night and the next day, my dad and I built a huge snowman. I'll never forget that Christmas.

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There are so many memories, but last Christmas will stand out as the most special because it was the last one with Jim. It started badly. Jim was having chemo Christmas week. He didn’t tell me until Thursday, the 23rd, that he had been in horrible pain the entire week. He knew I would tattle and he didn’t want anything to stop the chemo. He got the chemo he wanted, got an xray, got some pain medication. The doctor called Christmas Eve to say it looked like pneumonia. Gave Jim the option of hospitalization or curling up at home. No brainer for Jim, he curled up on the couch.

Now, the good part. We were both relieved to know what was causing the pain. He had medicine to help dull it. Since I now knew he was hurting, he would let me help him sit up as that was when the pain was so gripping. I opened all of his presents for him which he loved because he didn’t really like opening presents.

Now, the best part. We shared hot cups of cocoa, played Christmas music, he smiled while I danced with the dogs, we wound up and listened to the beautiful snow globe music box he had given me one year, we laughed because we always laughed, I rubbed his feet, and then we took our nap. A Christmas very different from most, but one that I will treasure forever.

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This is not so much about Christmas day but about one Christmas season.

About 16 years ago, it was a few days before Christmas and I was a complete mess. My ex had left me for another woman on Thanksgiving Day (too bad you didn't ask for the most memorable Thanksgiving Day ever :roll: ). I had found a lump in my breast a week after that and 2 weeks after that my car engine caught on fire on the way home from work, in a snowstorm. Christmas was only days away and I had no money for presents for my daughter, bills, nothing... everything I had, had gone to pay a tow truck and fix the car so I could get back and forth to work. In addition to all the things around me going wrong, inside I was a complete mess and couldn't reconcile the fact that I was alone again.

So I'm at work and the bunch of guys I work with came up to my desk with a big Christmas card. I opened it up and I was in shock, all this money came out and landed in my lap. They had collected almost $800 among themselves, and not only that, knew that I didn't have a Christmas tree or anything so threw the office Christmas tree WITH all the decorations on it in my trunk. :D Also, each one of them ended up buying me a Christmas present. I protested the whole time, I HATED feeling like a charity case, but at the same time, their act of kindness ended my self pity. How could I ever think I was alone when I was surrounded by so many caring people?

Anyway, what I thought was going to be a horrible Christmas turned out to be a wonderful Christmas thanks to a bunch of people who I may have lost touch with over the years but have never quite forgotten.

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Wow Debi, That is what Christmas is all about, kindness to others and helping those in need.

You were soooo blessed to have them in your life at that time.

That story pulled at my heartstrings. PRICELESS!!

Maryanne :wink:

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For me, many Christmases have been memorable and special. I had wonderful parents, and though not rich by any means, we had warm and happy holidays. Also the years of Christmases with Fred and his children have brought me such happiness... could never describe.

But I guess the MOST memorable one was the year I spent Christmas alone. It was the first Christmas without my Mother. Dad had died the year before. They always came and spent the holiday week with me. Now Fred and I did know one another...had for about 4 years. But you know how things go sometimes - some type of falling out, so we were on the 'outs' at this time. So from Christmas until I went back to teaching on Jan. 2 I was alone. Me and the dog, Bear. I only have one brother who lives in New England. I tried calling him the entire time. I never got an answer. Now he has 3 children and at least 2 of them were still college age so could not imagine why no one was ever home. I tried ALL times of day and night.

Anyway, I was so depressed that I did not even go out. I think I ran to the grocery, but that was it. I called no one. And you know how you get busy with family and shopping and stuff? Well, no one called me either. Friends figured that I was busy with Fred and other friends. That was 1985...quite a memory.

After the fact, I did find out where all my brother's family was. They had all gone to Vermont skiing. They didn't tell me because they thought it would make me sad that they had this wonderful family to vacation together and I was alone. Well, they got that right!

Wow, I haven't EVER told that story so completely. Sorry, guess it just feels comfortable here, you know?

At any rate, I think EVERY Christmas I have from now on will be my favorite! Now how about that?!

Love to all of you, and sorry to be so depressing!


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I think I am about to have my most memorable Christmas. So I'll tell you after! :D

But, for interesting stories..in 1976 my older brother, a physicist at the University of Nevada, went to the Antarctic on a research expedition for 3 months! December is when it's "warmest" there, so he was on Ross Ice Shelf at Christmas. He was always my "hero" - 14-years older - and this was going to be the first Christmas in my whole life he wouldn't spend with us.

Low and behold, on Christmas evening, around the time we were finished eating, the phone rang. It was a multi-connection call through military bands, short-wave radio, whatever from my brother in Antarctica wishing us Merry Christmas! I remember only one person could speak at a time and we had to say "over" so the next person could speak. Hard to do when everyone's so excited!

I was 21 years old, but felt like Santa had just stopped by!


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The best Christmas for me was probably in 97' when I waited two months to give my mom a present that "showed" her I was pregnant. The screams and tears of joy were unforgettable! Then she got to be in the delivery room and watch as Connor was born 2 years later. She said it was the most moving experience she had ever had.

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Throughout my childhood, I had many great memories about christmas. My parents really knew how to do up christmas right. I often think back on all the great christmas experiences I had with my mom and dad and little sister. I now am building on new memories with my children and strive to make each year as memorable for them as mine were for me.

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