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Getting to Know You - March 23


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paddled a canoe across the lake to a river at ice-off with my younger brother. We were barely high school age. He thought "don't stand up...in a canoe" was just a song.

The canoe tipped over in the middle of the lake.

Fortunately, the only home with their dock and boat in saw us go over and ran to the boat and saved our panting lives.

It is true, when you hit frozen water you hyperventilate. I don't know why we lived long enough for them to drag our icy butts out....

Cindi o'h

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Moving to Florida. no sooner had we moved from Ca to Fl two years ago Fl was hit by 4 hurricanes and last year was just as bad. I told Gary if it is the same this year I am out of here. I will take Earthquakes any day and yes I have been through sveral of them. No time to fret about them like a hurricane when you have days to worry.


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Well I can think of 2. I voluntarily jumped out of and airplane (twice) :roll:

Then there is something called Air combat USA. you actually fly a WWII training planes and Dog Fight with another plane. :P Although there is an instructor with you, I had control of the plane. did loops and flips and have a video of the whole expeirence. (didn't even throw up :lol: )

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Like a couple of others here, I did the hitchiking thing many moons ago. That is really scary to think about now. Of course, people were much different then and life in general was safer. My college roomate and I left Knoxville once and hitchiked to Cincinatti, where her boyfriend lived. When my mom found out about that, it was good she was several hundred miles away from me!!!!

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While I was still in high school, I went and visited a friend of mine who was in her first year of college for the weekend. During that time I had the experience of being with a bunch of beyond drunk and stoned people, including my friend (I did not partake BTW). It's a wonder we all made it through that weekend -- I had the pleasure of stopping a bunch of people from walking right into an open-pit fire (that's how stoned they were) and did endure what it is like to be in car driven by various folks who definitely exceeded any known DUI limits (I didn't know how to drive at the time and didn't know the area -- naive on how to get myself out of the situation fast too). I'm not exactly a prude, but this was scary.....did teach me not to do drugs or drink and drive, I'll say that much!!

I never talked to this friend again after that weekend.


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Boy this is a hard one for me since i've had gun's pulled on me,shot at and stabbed once, of course this was in my younger wilder day's.But i guess the most dangerous Thing i did was when i worked for this guy who had a contract when a loan company and when ever we had to do a repossesion in the Ghetto or Bario i alway's got volunteered.But i had very little trouble thank GOD....

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I hitchhiked through Europe with a girlfriend (what were my parents thinking). When I called my dad from Spain though and said we were hitchhiking into Morocco he had a fit and talked me out of that one. We only had one problem and got away from a wacky truck driver.

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