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Update on Ma's CT

ma's kid

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Well, the latest CT results are pretty good. There was only one small area they will keep an eye on (in the LUL) but for right now, her Radiation Onc and other Onc are not concerned. They both said it may be residual from the radiation pneumonitis vs scar tissue from the radiation. They will repeat the scan in three months.

Bless her heart...she has gained back almost all of the weight she lost and has returned to playing golf. She played nine holes last week and yesterday almost a full 18. She was exhausted but *sounded* so happy on the phone today.

Her memory is still *iffy* but hopefully that also will improve..if not, then we will all just deal with it. My hope and prayer is that she have good quality of life and for right now..she does. It's hard to believe that in June it will be one year since her initial diagnosis.

Blessings to all. I can breathe now..for at least another three months.


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Libby, that is wonderful news about your mom! It brought tears to my eyes to read that your mom is getting back to her normal self, and is starting to enjoy life again! I know what a relief that must be for your mom and everyone in her life. The biggest hopes that my family and I have for my mom are that she remains stable, and gets back to some normalacy in her life. It's so hard to see her down, and unable to do the regular things that she enjoys.

Continued good wishes for your mom!!!!

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Just have to write and thank each of you! This board is an amazing source of comfort and strength to me and thank you all for the wonderful support you give.

Every night I pray for all of us and those we love.

My heart aches for those that are grieving the loss of someone they love.


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