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Ever have a "bad brain" day?


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Some call 'em senior moments, others call 'em blonde moments, I call 'em a royal pain the fanny...

So it's Monday and I just KNEW it was going to be a bad day for the ol' memory bank before I even made it to work. "Why?" you ask.

Well, it could be simply that I knew my wires were crossed on the commute. I merged onto the highway and decided to set my cruise control because I have a lead foot and didn't want a ticket. I took my left hand off the wheel, pressed a button and couldn't figure out why the heck my car kept going slower and slower... Seems the button I pushed was on the garage door opener on my visor! Uh, DUHHHHHH.... :oops:

What was YOUR most forgetful moment?

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OH man Becky - there are soooooooo many to choose from. The one that came to mind was something I do at least once a week at work.. I enter employee's numbers into an Excel spreadsheet and keep staring at the monitor because nothing is showing up. I type the numbers in again.. nothing. Turns out that I am entering them on my calculator which I used to get the numbers originally. Or sometimes I can do the reverse. Stare at the calculator display wondering why there are no numbers there, and it takes minutes to figure out I am entering them on the computer keyboard. Duh!! Or worse yet, the phone. So basically nothing on my desk with a number pad is safe= I forget which goes to what device. :shock::lol:

My daughter is worse than I am. Not too long ago, she left her house and drove about 3 blocks before she looked in the rearview of the van and noticed that one of the 5 kids was missing, the 3 year old. She thought he had unbuckled and was hiding and she was yelling for him to come out when her other kids were like, ummm mom, Craig isn't here. So she frantically did a u-turn, sped home, getting caught at traffic lights no less, while her mind went all over the place on the terrible possibilities of what could have happened, not believing that she had actually forgotten a kid. When she finally got to her house after what seemed hours, Craig was sitting on the front stoop playing with rocks, smiling and waving at her, not in the least worried.

This is why, when I visit my daughter or vice versa, adding my son no less, I spend most of the time counting and recounting kids.

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You mean aside from every time I walk in a room and stop and think, "What did I come in here for?" Well, with my memory, I will have to sit down and try and find a memory I can share with all. I know I did something, but I just don't remember what it was off the top of my head right now! :roll:

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I walked out into the garage for some unknown reason....as I was standing there, trying to figure out why I was there, my wife walks out. She sees me, upsetting her train of thought.....now you have two people standing in the garage staring at each other, both wondering what in the hell they are doing there. :D


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Sometimes I've got the right train of thought just on the wrong track. Our first week of no doctor appointments for mom or dad this week and my youngest comes down with strep throat, so I ended up having to go see another doctor anyway. He asked what meds she was on and she takes ONE for her allergies but for the life of me I could not remember the name of it. BUT... I could remember the whole list that mom is on AND the whole list that dad is on!


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Happens all the time....regardless of what you call it!!! Last week, I had a long phone conversation with a friend I hadn't talked to in a while. We used to work together and we got into this "guess eho I saw" and "guess what I heard" mode. well, neither of us could remember any of the names of the people we were talking about. We started giving descriptions of the people, since we couldn't remember names. But...we just laughed it off and kept on talking!!!


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My mom's, a blonde :)

I picked my mom up for a few errands on Sun, brought her back to my house, my dad was coming over later.

My mom wondered where he was, picked up the "phone" to call and said "How does this work?". She kept trying. I could not stop laughing......

It was the Tivo remote, not the phone :)

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I have done the following:

Picked up the tv remote and tried to call Brian.

Have picked up the phone and tried to change the TV channel.

When these things happen I try to Laugh! Oh well, in the end it always works out anyway.

I really do believe that stress plays into our problems alot.

Just today I was so stressed. Don't known why, but I was. I try my best to let it go. But I do have a memory problem that seems to be getting worse. Oh well.


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Welthy, I just noticed your newest line "-6-20-06 - Pleural fluid cytology shows no cancer cells. Yay! "

Yay again!!


Most professors have had that awful moment when they realize they should be teaching a class but are sitting in their office in front of the computer instead. Mine was even better: I was at home sitting in front of the computer, still in my jammies!

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