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Well had my MRI of the brain, it was clear Thank GOD

Start radiation on Monday to the middle of the chest starting to feel a bit nervous wondering how I will handle it all, meet with chemo Dr next Weds. I feel like a whimp after reading Frank's latest post. What that man has been through and I'm whining about this. And not just him but every one else that has taken the journey I am about to start. This is a awful disease and Frank's post reminds us all of how awful it can be and get. I watched my Mother die with cancer and as Frank said its that indepenence that is so devastating, my mother would say the hardest part was having the mind willing and the body not able. I guess the reason this is so hard to handle for me is the image of mom in my mind and thinking will it be like that for me. I know people are different and not every one is the same, but the thought is still there....Wish me luck as I tighten the boxing gloves up....

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The "thougth that we are dying" never leaves us. It's always in the back of our minds.

I lost my mom, dad, and sister to lung cancer, and then I was dx.d with it. I never in a million years thought lung cancer was beatable. I thought for SURE I would have been dead before my 45th birthday.


It's a journey, and it's a DOABLE journey. Your never in this alone, because we are just a click away from you. That always gives me comfrot knowing I'm not in this boat all alone.

The unknown is always the worst too. The will I get sick from chemo, will I get burnt from Radiation?, etc., etc., My only suggestion is, everyone is so different in there treatments. Positive attitude DOES play a big roll on how your treatments work for you. I walked in doing my rad and chemo saying over and over and over, "I can do this, and I won't get sick"! Mind over matter DOES matter! I had minor side effects and I had some powerful chemo and radiation treatments.

You'll do fine, and you'll be here with us helpiing all the new people that we are all so sad to see join us here, walk through there journey of lung cancer years down the road. :wink:

Hang in there, it's DOABLE!

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Hi Barbara,

Having just finished whole brain radiation and currently doing my second round of chemo, I want to say, just focus and you will be fine. It definitely was not as bad as I thought it would be. I feel very blessed. If you have any questions, feel free to pm me anytime.


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