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Coughing up blood after chemo


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Hi everyone,

I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and if it sounds "normal". A few days after each cycle of chemo ends (5 so far), hubby coughs up blood for three days or so. Seems to build up, then trail off. The amount is more with each cycle.


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It's not something I'd expect to see, except perhaps if the bleeding were a week or two after the chemo, when the platelet counts would be expected to be lowest, and therefore giving the greatest chance of bleeding. I don't know what chemo/other meds he's on, but if his regimen includes Avastin (and even if it doesn't), it's possible for coughing up blood to be a serious issue. Not necessarily dangerous, but I would want my patients to keep me well informed if something like this were happening. But a pattern of bleeding just immediately after chemo isn't something I've typically seen or would expect.

Good luck.

-Dr. West

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I'm with the concensus. I would definately let the doc know what's going on. Keep us posted and I will keep you two in my prayers.

God Bless You Two!!


"Hope deferred makes the heart sink, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life". Proverbs 13:12

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Hi Terri,

Although I don't really remember coughing up blood after chemo, I do remember coughing up something which look like tumor material (sorta dried up raisin-like thing). Maybe it's possible it's tumor that he's getting rid of? I would definitely tell the oncologist. Praying for you and Bill.

Joanie ((()))

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Called the doc this morning. Bill had a CT scan this afternoon, so hopefully that will tell us what's going on. Other than the blood, he's feeling just fine.

Thanks everyone for your replies and prayers. They're much appreciated. :)

Dr. West, thank you for taking the time to address the post as well.

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Thanks to everyone for your thoughts, prayers, vibes and well wishes. It really does make a difference to know that there are people out there thinking about you who truly understand.

Well, the CT scan showed nothing unexpected. The blood has stopped. Our doc seems to think it's quite possibly the tumor breaking down, because it's been cyclic in nature and generally lasts only two or three days. We suspected something like that, but got concerned this time because it was more than it had been (maybe that's a good thing -- that's how we're looking at it anyway).

We're both relieved and pleased that we had it seen to. That's the scoop. Thanks again! :)

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My husband, Bill, also has sclc so I feel we have sort of a connection in a wierd sort of way. Same name, same cancer and both very handsome. He's feeling pretty good right now too and is trying to decide if he wants to start chemo again for bone mets. The Onc has told us it pallative care from here on so we're just doing good one day at a time.

I hope Bill's coughing up stuff stops soon and he'll be on the board again. Miss him, but love to read your posts.

I will continue to pray for you and your husband through this journey.


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Hi everyone,

Just wanted to say thanks again for your thoughts. Each time I log on I'm surprised to find another reply. It's so sweet.

I've let Bill know you've all been giving your support. He appreciates it, of course. At least for the moment, he's found that it works better for him if he avoids exposing himself to any more lung cancer information than is necessary. I can't argue with that. It's all part of his fight. He's feeling quite good -- he's downstairs painting the living room right now!

Liz, thanks for the laugh. We were with our friends last night and I told them about your reply. We were absolutely hysterical saying, "revolutionary new lung cancer cure -- forget chemo and radiation -- just cough that sucker out!"

Laurie, don't count out remission for your hubby. There are so many people on this board who have proved their doctors wrong time and again.

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Hi-my Mom has Small Cell-her tumor has shrunk about 85% and after the 5th and 6th cycle she coughs up some blood for a few days also. We took her to get a cat scan this month when it happened to make sure everything was ok-they did a bronchoscopy again to see if they could see where the bleeding was coming from and the Pulmonary Dr said he couldn't see any active bleeding which leads him to think it is the tumor pulling away from blood vessels.

Hope this helps some.


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