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Hi Everyone,

I found this site last month and can't believe it has been around for so long. I have been diagnosed for almost two years and have never looked before. I don't know why.

It is so unbelievable how many other people are cursed with lung cancer. I never thought I would be one of them.

I was 52 years old when first diagnosed. My husband had died only one year earlier from lung cancer. He was diagnosed in late October 2003 and died late March 2004. So when just a year later in April 2005 a small mass was discovered on my right lung, my family and I were in a state of shock. I have always been a non smoker but my husband did smoke for a long time.

I have NSCL - bronchioloalveolar adenocarcinoma.

I have learned so much from reading all the emails on the message board especially about Tarceva.

I am grateful to be able to join a site with so many caring, compassionate people listening.

I will continue to visit this site often.

Thanks. Mary


Hi Mary, welcome to the site. I'm glad you found it. I'm pretty new here myself. I just discovered the site in January and it has been such a blessing. So many people have gone through what my mom is going through right now. Everyone is so quick to respond to questions. You'll love all the new friends you'll meet here. Shelley


Welcome,Mary. Yes, there are many of us here.....ready to listen, help, offer support.....whatever is needed. If you fill out your Profile, we will be able to support you better and others will know what tx you have had. Stay around to offer your own support to others. We are glad to have you here......though certainly wish you didn't need to be here.



Hi, Mary, and welcome to the LCSC! I know your "neck of the woods" quite well, or did at one time --I went through Primary Pilot Training at Bartow Air Base, a few miles south of Winter Haven, in 1957-58. Loved the area.

We have a number of people with BAC in the group, and new members with known or suspected BAC are frequently posting. I'm sure the newbies can benefit from your perspective, and you might even learn a thing or two from those who started down the road before you did.

When you get a chance you should start a "profile" with details of your symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and test results like you see at the bottom of most of our messages. This will save you a lot of repetitive typing each time you post a question or comment. To create a profile, click the "My Profile" link at the top of the page, enter/update your information in the "Signature" window, and make sure that "Always attach my signature" is marked "Yes."

Best wishes and Aloha,



Hi Mary,

Welcome here!!! Glad you fianlly found us. We are all here alive an kickin :D

Congratulations on being a 2 year survivor.

When you have time post a profile that will appear on the bottom of your posts so we can get to know you better and what your stage is etc.

Many people here have beaten the odds and it has been years.

Hang strong, any questions please ask.



Welcome. I am so glad you found us. Noone should have to go through this without a strong support system of people who really do understand what this disease all entails. Let us know if you need anything, and please, please, keep us posted.



Welcome Mary and so glad you will become a part of our community. You surely will be a great source of inspiration to others, being two years out from your diagnosis. :D

I am also very sorry that you lost your husband to this beast and that you also have to fight it again for yourself. Unbelievable how many couples seem to present with LC.

Best wishes!


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