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My Husband is in the hospital again


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He started running a temperature yesterday, so Moffit told me to bring him to the little ER they have there.

His blood work showed that he needed blood, and his white count and platelet counts were really low too.

He's been having bad dizzy spells lately, but his blood pressure was running super low, so they said he was dehydrated.

They couldn't get his port to work last night, so had to start an IV instead.He has no viens left, so it ended up in his wrist.

Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

Seems like the radiation is effecting him worse then the chemo, but maybe it's just the combination of the two...

Take care everyone, and thanks,


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Dear Nova, I'm so sorry to hear this about Harry. I was hoping he was getting better. I'll tell ya, the chemo/radiation cocktail is he** on the body. I'm glad he's at a great hospital. They will take care of him. If he's up for company, I'd love to stop by tomorrow or Sunday to see him. I'll call you later. In the meantime, prayers are going up for Harry and the doctors to get this under control. Hugs, Liz

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Nova, I'll be keeping you and your husband in my prayers. My husband had to have transfusions twice and both times, it made a remarkable difference in the way he felt.

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Thank you everyone. I appreciate the thoughts and prayers.

Harry seems to be "see-sawing" back and forth! He felt a little better, but the fever came back, so now he feels worse. They said his culture came back showing that he had an infection, but they don't know where, so he'll stay on the IV antibiotics.

He isn't able to swallow.....not even Ensure. He's had 3 sips of it in 2 days. He's using the Magic Mouthwash and morphine in the IV, but it doesn't seem to help much. Seems they could figure out something else to help, before he starves... :(

Liz, thank you for offering to check in on him! I don't know if he would wake up long enough to know you were there, but that's awfully nice of you!

I plan on being there today around noon. If you're nearby, call me on my cell phone, and I'll meet you somewhere.

Thanks everyone.

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Nova my wife was in ER 4 time's and all after the radiation. She never gained her appetite back and just never was the same again and the headaches were alway's there. I can not say it was Radiation alone that was the culprit but something did change once she went through radiation.I'm hoping for a much better result's for your hubby and will keep him in my prayer's...

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Hi Nova,

My heart and prayers goes out to your husband for a fast recovery. I don't know anythng about the effects of chemo and radiation, but it seems like you got some good advice here.

Please know that I have him in my prayers and along with you for strength. I could only imagine how scared you must be be.

I am glad you are reaching out to us for support. That is what we are hear for.

Please keep us updated and just know how much we care.

Hang Strong!


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First of all, LOTS of prayers going out to you and your husband.

Mom has bounced into the hospital a couple of times b/c of chemo or radiation. I try to think of these visits as a 'tune up'---getting everything back on track, maybe even giving her a bit of a break.

I don't know what this was, but when Mom's port wouldn't work, they put something in (the nurses simply called it "Roto-Rooter" to us) and it has worked like a dream since.

Hopefully your DH will be home soon. Keep us posted!

:) Kelly

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Dear Nova.

Those horrible opportunistic infections...the antibiotics will do the job, eventually, so you just have to hang in there. The radiation has probably not helped the swallowing any...I know Len had a tough time at the end of his radiation cycle and suffered a bout with pneumonia at the same time. Eventually things worked their way through, as they will for y our husband, I'm sure.

In the meantime, hang in there and know we're all plugging for you both!


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Thanks everyone!

Harry seems to feel a little better today. I took him an instant breakfast -(made with half-n-half, to fatten him up! :D ),to the hospital, and he managed to drink the whole thing, plus eat a container of pudding I had brought too! That's a great improvement from yesterday! He seems much perkier, with a little color in his cheeks, so I got my Easter wish!(Thank the Lord!)

He "might" get to come home tomorrow, but if not, barring any complications, it would be Monday.

Thank you all for remembering us. I sure appreciate it!

Ellen, your husband's story is inspiring...thanks for sharing it with me.

Take care everyone, and have a blessed Easter!


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A little update....

Harry is still in the hospital. This makes a full week. As soon as they mentioned the words: "Going home", his fever went back up to 101.... :(

They've tried several different antibiotics. As of now, he's on Oxacillin. He's had 2 transfusions, and his Sodium and Potassium level's became quite low also.

They had him on Vancomycin for a day or so, which I remember is used for C-Diff, but none of the medical staff mentioned him having that, so maybe it's used for other reason's too...? In the case of C-Diff, I believe there should be extra precautions taken, so as not to spread it to other's..? (I wish they were more open about what's going on. I have Crohn's Disease, and if Harry has C-Diff, it could be dangerous for me.) I'm going to ask lot's of questions today when I get there, and be stubborn about getting answers!

They're setting it up so he can come home with the IV. A Home Health nurse will be coming once a day to check everthing out...

Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts.

I think of you guys every day, and appreciate your time and concern.


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Hi Nova, Gosh, I was hoping Harry was home by now. I really enjoyed visiting him on Tuesday and I'm sorry I missed you. I remember when I was in the hospital for 9 days. It seemed I got worse while I was there. But I got better real quick when I got out. So I hope the same happens to Harry when he gets home. Just to be back on familuar ground. With your own stuff, in your own bed. I'm saying an extra special prayer today. Hugs to both of you, Liz

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Harry's home, and extremely happy to be here!

Liz, he said to tell you thank you for making a special trip in to see him. He really appreciated it. He was amazed at the "picture" of your esophagus! He keeps talking about that! :wink: (From now on, when you want to impress a man, just whip out that photo!) :P

They finally found out that the infection was caused by an abcess in his heart valve... Had it been left untreated, it could have burst, possibly infecting his entire heart, and no telling what the consequence's of that would have been....

Thank goodness for whichever doctor thought to do a sonogram of his heart, because I think he saved his life!(He ended up having 5 doctors- all trying to figure out where the infection was coming from)..

Thank you all for the prayers.

Oh, and he didn't have C-Diff, which is a giant blessing!

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Yeah!! I'm so glad the prayers worked. Now just get him and the boy fishing. Thst picture is pretty awesome. It put your pain in perpective. And can understand why it takes so long to heal. Hugs and more prayers, to regain strength and health and words. Liz

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Hi Nova,

What a great update. So glad you have him home and can give him the TLC he deserves.

A blessing for that doctor how ordered the sonogram.

You certainly put a smile on my face today. :D

Maryanne :wink:

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