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Greensburg Kansas Tornado...


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To those of you who remember i live in Kansan and western Ks. I live in Dodge City which is 42 mile's from the totally destroyed city of Greensburg Kansas. I have many people there who i consider to be my friend's from my year's of servising them as a Route person. I am unable to learn of there situation as of yet and ask all for your prayer's for these truly resilient people of old pioneer and independent stock.I've talked to those who have saw the destruction first hand and they all have told me it is much worse to see in person and i know from aerial photo's of the city it remind's me of pictures we've all saw after the A-bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. Right now as i'm writing this were under a severe T storm watch and Tornado watch. Last nite in Kansas there were 70 more Tornado's but no serious additional damage.......Larry

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My Thoughts and Prayers go out to everyone in that community and those around them. Praya that the town will rise like a Phoenix from the rubble

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(((Oh Larry)))) -- Glad you posted. I've been worried about you and was going to email to see if you were okay.

I've seen the aerial pictures and told Tony this a.m. that the town is flattened. I was dumb-struck by what I saw. So glad you are okay, but will offer prayers and good thoughts for those in Greensburg. Hopefully there will be more information coming from that area today.

My heart goes out to those residents.


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