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I have posted a few times about the issues with my DAD....well - here we are almost 8 months later...

The Dr. finally did a biopsy - and the Path report came back Moderadly Differentiated Adenocarcinoma....

Dad just turned 79 last weekend.....I am so lost already....my head is spinning and I need to scream. I have 2 small children here so I have to be strong for them - I have not told them Papa has been sick......

I am sure this is going to be a long road - I made sure to tell my Dad that I will be fighting with him every step of the way.

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Dina, sorry about your dad, lung cancer is survivable even at your dads age. Don't loose hope. Why did it take them so long to do a biopsy ? Seems like an awful long time. Hope the kids will be okay and you too. How is your dad handling things ? Keep us posted. Prayers your way....

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Hi Dina-

My MIL (86) also has lung cancer and was diagnosed 2 years ago. For some reason it seems cancer grows slower in older individuals. She had radiation to one tumor and has been doing well since diagnosis. Your dad may do well for some time. Let us know what they decide on treatment and what stage he is. hang in there.


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Thank you all.....yes, it was before Christmas that this started. Dad's heart Dr. found a "spot" on his CT scan - sent him to the lung Dr. How this man ever got his degree - I don't know....he said they would "watch" it for 2 years - doing a CT scan every 3 months.....April CT scan did not show any changes....still watching it....July CT scan showed the "spot" is now 3 times the size it was in April. Finally suggested a Biopsy.

The plan so far - seeing his heart Dr. for surgical clearance on Friday - seeing a surgeon next Wednessday. Ordered a PET scan - again - to compare to the last one.

Everything depends on the PET scan results right now.

My husband came home early and took the kids out for me - I was able to break down....boy, did I need that...

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It sounds like your dad can beat it with the surgery. It is not uncommon for older people to get stuff to pop up in the lung and it just sits there without changing so that is why the doc wanted to just monitor it. It would be not be a good thing to undergo a biopsy for something that is not a problem.

Don M

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It sounds like your dad’s cancer is treatable and that he could have many more happy years. There are many of us here that have survived years and plan to go many more. If you and your dad and his whole team can stay positive it helps a lot. You will find that it is a real team effort. I was blessed with a great team. My whole family believed that the good Lord would see us through. Keep us posted.

Stay positive, :)


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Thank you all - I have had 36 hours for the shock to sink in.....now it is time to be strong and be positive. I didn't call Dad today - I normally call him 3-4 times a day - he called tonight and sounded great - really upbeat - that helped.

The PET scan is on Monday - they are rushing the results so we have them when we go to the Dr. on Wednessday.....

I just need to find the strenght to stay strong for him, for me......

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At first you do go into shock. Once that wears off and you learn as much as you can about the treatment options, you can begin to feel more hopeful. There are effective treatments as many of the survivors on this board will attest to. Hang in there and ask for help when you need it.


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I am so sorry to hear your ordeal. Please remember if you don't feel comfortable with your dads doctors, go get another opinion. Many here have!! I believe strongly that you have to have faith in your Dr.

I remember those early days when my mom was first diagnosed and it was a whirlwind! Try to be strong but remember it is OK to have those moments where we just have to let it out!

Please keep us posted.

Prayers to you and your family,


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Hi Dina,

I just want to let you know that I'm sending prayers your way. Let us know how the PET scan turns out and what the doctor reccommends for your Dad. Just remember that every case is different and we have many success stories on this board.

My mom is 78 , just had a wedge section of the upper right lobe in May. She was put on Tarceva after. We are having difficulties getting that adjusted so she can take it, but overall she feels well. Hang in there and keep in touch.


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