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Getting to Know You - August 7


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My best friend was also my second cousin, Linda. She and I always managed to get into some type of mischief. Looking back, I have to believe she was usually the instigator, but I was always a willing participant in whatever prank she had in mind. We actually were grounded on several occasions but all of the things were minor occurences, as we both has strict parents.

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My older sister caught me smoking at a very young age. Held it over my head for a long time, making me do all sorts of jobs and chores for her. She finally told our Mother and my Mother made me stand in front of her and smoke a whole cigarette. Unfortunately, it did not cure me from smoking later in life.

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It was always my BROTHER getting me in trouble...

One time he did not want to go and visit great-aunt Edna. He talked me into being a co-conspriator, and we placed several 3 inch nails behind each of the car's tires. Of course, Mom and Dad saw them right away and we got in a lot of troubler. I had to sit in the naughty chair for a long time for that one! I thought he should have been more punished, being the 'brains' of the operation, and all.

:) Kelly

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