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My cancer has progessed and too weak for more chemo so hospice is being caled in but I have no one to take care of me after hospice leaves,my husband has to keep working to pay all these bills,whats a person to do? where can I dind out about private duty nurses? thank you

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I am so sorry for the situation you find yourself in.

I am just so sorry.

Does your hospice RN have any suggestions?

your onc?

Where are you living?

Are there any support groups in the area?

Usually help is available you just have to know whom to ask.

Many prayers and sending all positive vibes.


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I am so sorry this has happened to you. You will find hospice is a God-send, they are the most compassionate people you will ever meet. They can answer any questions for you,they have knowledge about all areas of care. They are the ones who finally got Rod's pain under control after almost a year of nearly constant leg pain. God Bless you.


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Start here. THis is a great NAtional Link to help answer most any questions for you;

1) http://www.nhpco.org/templates/1/homepage.cfm

copy and paste this link...


3) http://www.cancer.org/docroot/SHR/conte ... tearea=SHR

Click on these three Links and see if anything helps. I wish I could offer some personal insight, but I did not have the chance to use Hospice. If you can get us more info we may be able to help a little bit more. I wish I could give you all the answeres and make things better but i know I can not. I can and will say Prayers for Yourself and Family though and help as much as I can....

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When my husband was on hospice, I had to ASK if there were health aides available if I needed assistance. There were both health aides and volunteers (not medically trained, but can help out with non-medical needs or just hang out and spend some time with you).

My thoughts will be with you Robin.

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I am so sorry you have to spend one minute alone. My 73 yr old Mom is my primary caregiver, my husband too has to continue to work.

Are there any local churches you or any friends attend? I know they have a lot of members who are willing to help when someone is alone. Also, don't be afraid to ask your friends for help. Sometimes they can rotate and dropping by for just 30 minutes or doing some shopping or light housekeeping could help a great deal.

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