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What are you paying for electricity?


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It's sort of a stretch to call this a "fun" question, but here it is:

What did you pay for electricity last month? So we have a better chance of comparing one area to another, try to boil it down to cents per kilowatt hour (KWH). If you don't find that directly on your bill, you can take your total bill and divide that by the total KWH you used for the month.

Last month's cost for residential customers on Oahu was 32.3 cents per KWH, more than 50 percent higher than this time last year. Practically all of our electricity is produced by diesel generators and is therefore dependent on the market price of crude oil, not a good thing. :( The bright spot is that we don't have to worry about heating oil for the winter! :lol:



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Well I normally wouldn't have a clue about this kind of stuff but there just happened to an article in our paper today as things are changing. So right now we are paying 6.55 cents per kwh. Effective October 1st we are moving to 5.98 cents up to 1,350 kwh's and then 7.21 cents above that (per 2 month period).

This is all Cdn cents of course!

I am so darn proud of myself for being able to answer your question Ned!


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"blueeye"]Ned, I couldn't figure mine out. I divided the amount of my bill by the kilowats but it can't be right. I got 0.14. ???

That probably is right, 14 cents per KWH. That may seem high compared to what some of the others reported, but it's amazingly cheap by my standards! My bill last month was $488.08. :(


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Hey - I think I'm getting a bad deal! Mine works out to .28 per KWH if I did the math right. Seems spendy compared to everyone's (well except in Hawaii ... ).

I get gas and electricity from the same company and last year they called me because they thought my gas meter was broken because it had recorded 0 for three months straight. Of course, the only thing I would have used gas for during that time was for my stove ... it wasn't broken, I just don't ever cook! :D

Dare we ask the same thing for cable/internet? I feel like I'm turning my paychecks over to Comcast. (But now I can think of internet costs as LCSC membership dues and it's well worth it!)

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I live in an apartment and get a discount for seniors with low income from the city of Redding. My rate is 1.28 per kwh with a $4.77 a month basic meter charge. Last month my bill was a little over $42 and that was running the air conditioner all of the time. Our temperatures here in August reached record highs. That means that we had a lot of days in the triple digets. One week we stayed between 110 and 114 for about 4 days. Sense I live on the second floor and my windows all face East I get the early morning sun. Once it warms up that air condition runs all day to keep up.

So much for the Myth everyone seems to hear about California being the most expensive place to live. Frankly as a senior depending strictly on Social Security I could probably not afford to live anywhere else.

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I am in Jersey and mine is .135. My electrice PSE&G states on my bill that we should consider an alternative electric supplier?

I am on a buget that they increased a couple of months back by 50.00 and according to my bill I'm alreay $200.00 behind.

If anyone from Jersey has a supplier other than PSE&G and your rate is lower than .135 then let me know!



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I don't know whether I am looking at the right kWh, if you have to add them together ( as those under energy, under Cycled A/C Energy and the taxes)

Bottom line my bill for August was higher this year but......

I see at the bottom of the bill they actually compare to last month and last year!!

Ave daily KWH use 08 32.2 (32 days) Cost for month 98.29 plus tax

........................... 07 38.8 (29 days) ......................84.47 plus tax

So last year we used more per day and payed less but now I see last year was for only 29 days and this year for 32 days . Thats 3 more days of electricity that I am paying for this year. I still think it is up though

Donna G

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