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My ex wife asked me if I would be on her team for the walk for a cure in July put on by the American Cancer society. At first I was going to go into detail how I dont think much of their organization and how little they actually do for many of the cancers except a few. But after some time and thought I told her I would be glad to. Even tho I dont agree with many of their policys most of the volunteers mean very very well. And most are like I was when I was first diagnosed,thinking cancer was cancer no matter where it was located and are hoping for a cure.She lost her mother to pancreatic and her father to lung cancer. So their hearts are very much in the right place and they truly believe they are helping to find a cure for all cancers. I remember when I was first dxed how I wanted to talk to someone who actually survived cancer. I didnt care if it was breast, colon, or any kind. So even tho I dont agree with all of their policies I do believe they have helped with many cancers. And the volunteers who help put on these things are doing so out of the goodness of their own hearts truly believing they are helping find a cure for all cancers. I dont want to rain on their parade because for all I know they do more than I realize for other cancers. I kind of have mixed emotions. I figure if it helps some with cancer lets go for it. Any input would be appreciated.

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I am with Ned on this one Mike ! Its the thought that counts and Yes You might help with stigmas attached to LC!!

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Speaking of that stigma connected to LC I went to our local mall a couple weeks ago to volunteer to play music at the relay for life for ACS. The local director was shocked that I am a LC survivor, seems most of what they come into contact with are BCs. Beening new to all of this I didn't realize that I'm some sort of anomaly. Small towns, go figger.


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Mike - I just recently attended the Relay for Life in which they state they support all cancer types for research, etc. When the gentleman from the Cross Cancer Institute was doing his "Welcome" speech for the survivors he mentioned several times how the rates have climbed to 62% cure for all cancers. At the end of his speech I had a lengthy discussion with him about the dismal lung cancer rate which hasn't changed in decades. He told me that he had been doing these types of speeches for years and I was the first lung cancer survivor he had spoken too - doesn't that speak volumes I am thinking. Anyhow, after watching a couple of small children who had/have cancer at the walk I realized that where we are at with lung cancer $$ is completely unfair ... watching those little babies struggle with this disease is even worse. It's hard not to feel us versus them sometimes but I have decided the best thing I can do is lend my support and educate where I can and hopefully one day the % rate will apply to ALL forms of cancer. When it comes right down to it, when you hear those words "you have cancer" it is terrifying regardless of where it is.

I think you have figured it all out pretty much the way I did. You are a sweet man to help your ex - she has lost greatly to cancer and your support likely means a great deal. Enjoy helping and gently educating Mike - who knows who it will help.


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I agree with everyone else and want to thank you for helping the cause.

Who knows, there may be a family member there whose loved one has LC and thinks its a death sentence - you will show them that survivors DO exist!!!!!

Hugs - Patti B.

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Mike, you'll be an asset to any cancer event. And it does seem that we lung cancer survivors do have to start showing up and making our voices heard. You're a nice man to do this for your ex and remember, it's also for all of us!

Judy in Key West

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Mike, you'll be an asset to any cancer event. And it does seem that we lung cancer survivors do have to start showing up and making our voices heard. You're a nice man to do this for your ex and remember, it's also for all of us!

Judy in Key West

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Mike I agree with what you and everyone else has said. And by posting this you have already made a difference for me anyway. The Relay For Life cancer fundraiser is here tonight. My daughter volunteered and has put alot of effort into it. I had not planned to attend because of the lack of support for L/C. But after reading your post yesterday, I called her last night and I am going tonight. The first lap is for cancer survivor's and I am going to walk it and she wants to walk with me. So thank you Mike.

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