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Oh....where to begin??? Any info??


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Greetings all...the results (kinda) are in. Dad had that spot that had grown over the course of the last year, and they want to get it out of there. They are first going to do a PET (through all of this, we have never had one) and then if it is nowhere else, they want to go in surgically and remove it.

Mayo is typically so good about getting things done quickly...next week will be the PET and if all is a go surgery will be the next day with five days in the hospital afterwards...why five days??? Help me out here?

She believes this new spot is unrelated to the SCLC that he had before...probably NSCLC....so all of you out there, please help me...give me hope.

Cancer stinks...it robs us of so much. Please say prayers for my family. With dad's first SCLC diagnosis three and 1/2 years ago, to losing my sister suddenly this year, I don't know how much more my family can take.

I would love to hear your stories of hope...

Blessings to you,


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I had an upper left lobectomy where they removed that part of my lung and I was in the hospital a week. So I'm not sure what kind of surgery they are planning for your Dad. But lots of us have had lung surgery and are here to tell you about it! So prayers are on the way and don't give up hope!


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I found you a treasure trove of support and Hope Jen in this recent posting from members who have had surgery responding to another request!!

http://lungevity.org/l_community/viewto ... end+cancer

It sad that we have so much on our plates right now. I hope and Pray this helps you out some until you get some more responses. Just saw your FB post and sending some prayers for blessings to come down...

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I'm just sending you love, friend. A whole new cancer? So. Not. Fair. Here's something good about NSCLC though (y'all correct me if I'm wrong). With NSCLC, surgery can nip it in the bud if it's caught early enough. So I'm praying for good news from the PET scan and then successful removal. Your Daddy is a survivor. He can do this. You can do this.

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After my surgery I was in ICU for nine days. My surgeon is just that meticulus about everything, even though I was up and walking the day after and for each day that I was there. It was good for me and I thin it will be good for your dad.


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Jen, no experience with surgery here either. But I've been told that NSCLC is usually much slower growing than SCLC and there are lots of success stories here with surgery. We'll all be waiting with you for progress reports. Keep us posted.

Judy in Key West

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I just had my right middle lobe removed on June 15th. I could have left after 4 but was glad they kept me one more night. It all depends on how well you do following surgery. I still have a very small amount of pain but believe it or not I'm ready to go back in and do it again to a spot on my left side.

If they say they can take it out - by all means let them!


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