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Hi, I am new to this site, my name is Casey. My husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor April 29. It was successfully removed the very next day. However, it was malignant and we were told he has stage IV lung cancer. Adenocarcinoma a large 7cm tumor in his lower left lung and another 3cm in the upper. Also mets on the adrenal glands and liver. He has just started his second round of 4 chemo sessions, every 21 days he gets dosed with 3 different kinds. I am on a mission to find out all I can that might help him. He was just 56 April 28 and we've been married 35 years. I am glad to find such a helpful website.

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Hi Casey. I too am so glad you found this site. I know going through this is really hard and you really need info and support. Glad the brain tumor is gone. The chemo should be able to reach the lungs and adrenal and liver. Pray that they respond to it and it knocks it dead. Keep us posted.

Donna G

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Welcome Casey,

I'm sorry you are in this situation needing to find us, but glad you did. There is so much support, caring and knowledge here.

I too was a caregiver for my husband, and although I'm not experienced with Adenocarcinoma there may be things we've experienced that are similar. I know there are others on here with the same diagnosis who will be along and offer you greater advice.

For now, I offer my prayers and warm wishes. I pray this triple dose of chemo wipe the heck out of that cancer. It's been done before, and can happen again. There is no reason your husband can't be one of them.

God Bless!


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Hi Casey

So sorry that you've had to find your way here but I can honestly say that you have come to the right place. The members here are a great form of advice and support.

My dad was also diagnosed at Stage 4 with Adeno (7cm) in the right lung, with Mets to bones.

May I just add that your husband chose a great day to join this world.....I also share his birthday :)

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I too am glad you found this site. My husband also has adenocarcinoma lung cancer and the others on this board have helped me in more ways than I can say. Please return often and ask anything you want because we're here for you. I'll keep you and your husband in my prayers.

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Sorry you have to be here but we are glad you are. Please be sure to Mark this Link I am posting. This is our associate site for a lot of MEDICAL info. Dr. West who runs the site I am going to Link you to is wonderful. He volunteers his time to help with medical issues and questions. HE is an Oncologist at the Swedish Institute in Seattle. Many of our members here are also on the other site as well!!


The good news is that Adenocarcinoma is the most common type of Lung cancer and is therefore the most researched of the Lung Cancer Family!!!!

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