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Chemo stopped

David A

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Hi Friends, Went to get chemo on Friday 1/02/04, and my ocologist decided to stop treatment until I have a chest ct, the orginal plan was to have a chest ct after 3 cycles, I have had two cycles but he wants to make sure gemzar/carboplatin is workiing before going any further with it.

I have had a lot of side effects and I'm still feeling rather crappy and haven't had any chemo since 12/13/03. Not sure what to think or how to feel about this. Thanks for listening.

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Hey Dave,

Ya know, I'm adding my prayers for ya buddy!!! Hoping you start feeling better and that the ill effects are because it's WORKING!!

No doubt about it !!, it does suck!! :x

"But for the grace of God here go I"; Hang in there, Dave!! thinking of ya!

God bless

Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

MRI's taken 12/18/03 - 2 brain mets found- named em Frick & Frack

"Absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

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Hi one of my two NEW YEARS EVE buddies,

Stopping the chemo sounds good to me because why give another dose if that one isn't doing what the onc wants it to do. It is better to know now so that he can start you on a new one then keep giving you something that doesn't like you. It can also show that it is working and he knows it is the right chemo.

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Hi David. It will be okay. Probably a good thing to take a lot and see whats going on at this time and then figure out what to do. Yes one day at a time and easy does it will help. I'll be thinking of you and looking for the post on the results of the ct scan. Nancy O.

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David, David, David,

I know we don't like to hear the news - No treatment.

However, Earl's drs. have 1. Scanned after each 2 chemos and 2. Always said if this one isn't working we will try another one.

And sometimes, the old bod just needs a rest in order to take more of that da-- chemo again.

This may not be bad news - sorta just no news. Stay the course dear David.


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Hi David, this short break may be really appropriate for evaluation. If the current chemo regimen works not as good as your oncologist targets, then the oncologist could try another new regimen. So, please don't lose your faith. I know, this really makes you unhappy and upset....

Hang in there. Focus on other things.

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