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X-Ray Results - Maybe - I lost control


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So it's snowing like crazy here and I stopped at the grocery store on the way home. I'm at my door trying to carry everything in at once - and the phone is ringing. The doctor's office is calling because they are opening late tomorrow because of weather. I call them back and she says I'll have to move it to the first available day. I lost it and asked "do you have cancer" - I'm already freaking out a week and you want me to wait....Now I'm crying and tell her to go ahead and I will probably not be alive for it anyway. ..... (I may have lost my mind for a second - but after a good cry I got better.).... So I was on hold for a while and my doctor's "Nurse" came on and asked if I could come in at 10:30 - (an hour later than my appointment). I said yes. And she said that my "scans look good - so don't worry" - Now I'm definitely better. Not 2 minutes later she called back and asked if I was going to get my x-ray in the morning (I already got it last Friday!) - I said "you are kidding - you just told me they were alright" - Turns out she was referring to my scans from Sept. - Now I'm crying again. So she asks where I got the X-rays and then she calls me back about 2 minutes later and says - don't worry the x-rays look fine. So I'm thinking they better. I'm also thinking I probably should have taken a Xanax today. Anyway - if she was right things are fine. I just have to wonder when the next real CT is cause I'll be waiting for that one too. This is hard work -

I'm glad I'm worrying about other people and not myself - I think I'd be about bonkers.


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I hear you loud and clear, Annette. Good for you for speaking your mind ~ sometimes temporary insanity can be used for a good cause. You are right about these people NOT having cancer and having NO idea whatsoever what we, who do, go through. No reason to wait for the next available day. Darn straight you can go whatever time they open and hear what they have to say. I hope she is right and all looks good. Sit down, put your feet up, drink a cup of tea/coffee/ spirits of some sort ~ whatever ~ and just be for a while. Can't wait to hear what you hear tomorrow. Let us know ASAP.


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Hi Annette,

Isnt life just fun sometimes,thanks for the last sentence,certainly made me laugh.Well if we dont have bad hair days,how do we recognise the good hair days?.About my worries,have you any spare capacity?.

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Oh my gosh Annette! I just read your signature thoroughly, and I absolutely understand how you were feeling. I can remember feling so anxious and near tears the first two years after diagnosis. It's somewhat better for me now, but still get anxious as heck at test time.


Tomorrow is going to be such good news for you, I can feel it.

MI Judy

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I am so sorry they are being heartless and putting you through this. It is pure torture. I go in early March for my scan and I am already losing sleep and worrying. I can not imagine what it is like to wait that long for results. I am sure they are fine and yes you have every right to be upset and mad!!!!!! I am looking forward to your confirmed good results.



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I don't blame you a bit. I would have been a wild woman over that. They just don't get the anxiety that comes from all that waiting cuz they haven't been there. I am so grateful that I get results an hour later when I have to visit my lung surgeon.

It's hard enough to live life until the day I have to go there. I used to have to take two weeks off work prior just because I could not work and wait for my appointment at the same time!

But, I am confident that since she told you the results were good, they are.

Good luck,


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The results are good - I guess - mostly.

It says: Findings: PA and lateral radiographs of the chest demonstrate postsurgical changes in the right chest. The lungs are free of acute disease. No masses are demonstrated. Findings appear stable when compared to the previous study. The cardiac and mediastinal contours and pulmonary vascularity are normal. Mild thoracic spine deginerqative changes are noted.

Impression: Postsurgical changes in the right lung. No acute findings or mass lesion demonstrated.

I find it interesting that nothing is said about the left side since that is the side I had surgery on in August 09 and I had surgery on the left side in June 09. Strange puppies- - - so I always count more heavily on the CT which I will get in March - then the doctor said we get to move to 6 months if all is good.

My mom told me to mention the headaches I have been getting (I think it's stress - my 14 year old nephew has totaled one of my moms cars and wrecked her new car this last month - which I think ='s headaches). So my Dr. is setting me up to get an MRI this week. I have never had one so I guess in the long run that should make me happy too - I don't think it's empty up there but you just never know.

Anyway - overall I think good news - now like all of us I can wait a few months to start the worry process all over.

So Eric - I absolutely have some free "worry" capacity - bring it on I'd be happy to help you any way I can.


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Wow , Annette!!! So happy to read the good news! I would have lost control too. I often have mentioned here and I wonder how doctors react when they are the patients.. Do they wait patiently for however long they are told to wait and do they accept being put off ? Just wondering, but I think I know the answer. You reacted the way I think most human beings in your situation would react. Let us know about the MRI, but does sound like you have had a few legit causes for stress headaches.. :)

Hugs ,


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Yeah Annette! Sorry I missed this yesterday. Been pretty much out of commission the past week or so. I'm so glad you are worry free but will they make you wait a week for the MRI? And will you worry? I hope not. I'm wishing for you a stress-free, worry-free holiday. You deserve it. And OMG, don't let that nephew get behind the wheel of a car!

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