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5 years NED

Bruce u

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Well this is the " big " day. 5 years ago I was having my upper left lobe removed.

For everyone on here reading post looking for hope, Kasey posted yesterday on her 8th anniversay and now my 5th.

Like Kasey , I found this site a couple months after my surgery. I knew very little about LC and lived 900 miles from the nearest Oncologist. I asked lots on questions on here and got great answers that helped me so much to make it through. So much support from everyone and some Like sandra, Patti, Judy, etc. are no longer with us.

After surgery, My Oncologist told me that I did not need chemo and I asked that question on here. the majority thought that I should fight to get chemo. I have to thank Muriel. She really pushed me to fight for it and I finally got the Oncologist to agree. I had 4 rounds and i really believe that is why I am still NED. So the bottom line is this site may have saved me life ! Thank you

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Hey Bruce........................seems we both have much reason to celebrate this week. I'll be sure to toast you with a favorite beverage later today. For now ~ I'll sip my coffee to you!

We truly are among the lucky ones, Bruce. So glad to know you here and be able to celebrate one another's survivorship. Like you though, am so missing many of friends not able to be here.

Enjoy, friend!!!


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Thanks everyone. I wish everyone could be posting in the good news forum.

Muriel I am just giving credit where it is due. I have received alot of support from members here in the last 5 years but you really pushed me to get the chemo. Thank you.

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